Chapter 28

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  "Hyunjin?" Minho called out. "Hyunjin, are you okay?!"

  "M-Minho, I need you to listen to me," the devil could sense the urgency in his best friend's voice as well as the pain that signalled that the boy was not, in fact, okay. But it was also the only thing he could hear. There were no background noises that could help him detect where the boy was currently located. "Are you with Jisung right now?"

  Minho hummed as his hand unconsciously sneaked up behind his back to hold the younger boy's hand, just to be sure he was there and did not disappear in the span of a few seconds. Jisung tightened his hold in a comforting manner as if trying to tell the devil he was not going to leave his side. Ever.

  The two of them heard a sigh followed by a loud grunt.

  "L-Leave! Take Jisung back to the Imperium, somewhere where he can be safe. NOW!" Another grunt could be heard from the boy alongside the rustling of leaves followed by a breaking sound and a loud thud. Jisung could hear Hyunjin blurt out various insults and swear words, some of them which Jisung has never even heard before.

  "Hyunjin-ah! What is going on?!" Minho screamed into the phone when he heard a painful scream coming from his best friend. The devil was panicking as he had no idea what was currently happening. Jisung was stressed out as well, harshly nibbling on his bottom lip, hoping it will calm down his racing heart. He came from behind Minho, looking down at the phone.

  "Are you okay?" Jisung asked.

  "Don't worry about — ARGH! D-Don't worry about me, o-okay? Get back to the Imperium."

  Jisung bit his lip, not satisfied with the answer as he could hear the latter was hurting and that pained the angel. He took the phone from Minho with shaky hands and on the verge of crying, before asking: "Is there anything we can do? Can we help you somehow?"

  It was quiet on the other side for a bit before the devil let out a loud sigh full of agony and desperation. "Yes ... could you call Seungmin, please? Tell him I am by Han River and also tell him one specific word. Morsus. He will understand. But you two, please, go back to the Imperium immediately."

  Jisung nodded before whispering an okay. Hyunjin soon ended the call and as Minho was about to take the phone from the angel and destroy it in a blink of an eye, Jisung pulled away.

  "I am calling Jeongin. They are probably still with the rest." He explained as he dialled Jeongin's number he still had memorised. Minho nodded but told him to be fast so they can return to the Imperium as fast as possible. He bit his lip as he was looking at the younger, feeling a bit impatient and kind of nervous about what was happening. The silence was currently so loud that it was making both of the boys insane.

  The youngest picked up the call after the first ring, not forgetting to yell at the angel for not letting them know they are going to disappear like that. Jisung knew he had no time and had to act fast so he pretended he did not hear any of the insults Jeongin threw his way.

  "Give me Seungmin, please. It's urgent," Jeongin sensed that it truly was something important so he ran up to Seungmin who was walking with Chan not so far away from them and handed him the phone. Jisung could hear Jeongin saying something to the pure-blooded angel before he gave him the phone.

  "What's wrong?" the angel asked him, confusion evident in his voice.

  "Seungmin. H-Hyunjin just called us a-and ... oh my, he's by Han River and —"

  Seeing his shaken-up state, Minho took the phone from the younger boy while rubbing his hand as the angel tried to blink away the tears that formed in his eyes upon imagining his friend in pain, probably being somewhere in a ditch by Han River, completely alone. But he also told himself that he should be strong — not only for Hyunjin but for himself as well. He cannot try to solve his problems by crying and pathetically running away from them. He should face them and try to become a stronger, better version of himself. The one that won't have to lock himself in the bathroom every night, crying himself to sleep.

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