Chapter 30

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  Loud knocks on the door interrupted him from his nap. He opened his eyes, rubbing them with his fists as he slowly got out of his bed and headed towards the door, feeling the coldness of the floor as he dragged his feet along it.

  Jisung opened the door and to his surprise, he saw Chan with Changbin standing closely behind him. Both of them were nervously biting their lips as they looked at the angel in front of them. Both eyed him from head to toe, examining him for any injuries.

  "You need to know the truth," Chan said, grabbing his hand as he pulled the younger out of the room. Jisung, who was still half-asleep, tripped over his legs and almost fell onto the ground if only he did not compose himself before he could do so.

  "The truth?" Jisung repeated the words, feeling a weird sensation in his fingertips as he was dragged through the halls, most likely to room 0325. That reminded him of his conversation with Minho earlier so he stopped in his tracks, resulting in Chan stopping as well. As he turned around and saw the angel just standing there, he raised his brows. "Minho said I cannot know the truth."

  Chan groaned. "Fuck Minho, honestly. Jisung, he's astronomically dense. He thinks he's protecting you by not telling you the truth but he's only making things worse. And he's so blinded that he does not realise that."

  With that, the devil began to walk again and Jisung did not oppose this time as he let himself get dragged. His thoughts wandered off to Minho yet again. Blinded? By what? Many questions were inside of his head and yet there was not a single answer to any of them. He did not understand Minho's sudden behaviour these past few days as well as the whole situation. He also couldn't grasp the fact that Chan said Minho is trying to protect him. It was all so confusing and he started to get tired. Again. Things were complicated and Jisung started to feel like someone was always watching him, even though he was completely alone. Could this be Minho's way of protecting him? He had no idea, but he was scared to even find out the truth. The hand Chan was holding started to sweat and his heart started to beat even louder once they approached their room.

  Stopping in front of the door, Chan looked around before basically throwing the angel inside of the room like some kind of a ragdoll. Jisung did not expect this so he fell to the ground and hit his head against the table not so far away from the door.

  "Ow!" he exclaimed as he caressed the spot on his head that he hit himself on before looking at Chan angrily. "What the fuck, dude!"

  Minho, who was lying down on his bed, looked up with a surprised expression on his face as he looked at Jisung on the ground and then Chan and Changbin that just stepped into the room, silently closing the door behind them. Chan apologise to the youngest in the room and patted his head. Jisung immediately accepted his apology under one condition — that he will get more pats in the future. To which Chan agreed, he could not resist the younger boy.

  "What's going on?" Minho asked before sitting up again. His hair was messy and his eyes looked tired. It seemed like their sudden invasion of the room woke him up from his nap as he had this bamboozled expression on his face and Jisung found it cute for some reason. He wouldn't dare to say it out loud because the devil would most likely snap his neck in a span of a few seconds. And Jisung did not want to die before he gets to know the truth.

  "It's time, Minho," Chan said as he helped Jisung get up from the ground. The angel then sat on his usual spot and hugged his legs, putting his chin on his knees while looking at the trio in front of him. Minho frowned before briefly looking at Jisung and then back at Chan.

  "No," Minho shook his head as he got up from his bed, ready to leave. "No, I think it's not the fucking time. At least not yet."

  Chan grabbed him by his forearm, stopping him in his tracks while rolling his eyes. He was clearly annoyed to an unbelievable extent and Jisung could swear this was his first time seeing the oldest be this mad. Especially at Minho.

  "Listen," he started, his voice scarily low. "You've got two choices. You either stay here and tell him the whole truth, from A to Z, and he will definitely forgive you for not telling him because there are certain things you don't want to tell even us about this situation. Or you simply leave and we take things into our own hands and come up with a solution to protect him and you will never see him again. So, be a bit less selfish now and tell the poor boy the fucking truth already!"

  Minho looked taken aback by Chan's sudden outburst of emotions but he completely understood him. He understood why the older boy was so mad with the decisions he has been making these past few months and even though they were not affecting him at all, they were affecting Jisung and Minho knew the youngest of them all meant so much to Chan. Heck, he meant a lot to Minho, too. He just couldn't get himself to open up to the angel more and tell him the whole truth about why he is in danger and why he was destined to be the cause of the fall of The Imperium. Knowing Jisung's past — his human life — he could not just sit there with a straight face and tell him they need to get rid of him in order to keep everyone in this facility safe and sound.

  "Can we be alone?" Minho looked at him with hopeful eyes but when Chan shook his head, he sighed and looked at the ground. Jisung's heart ached at the sight. The older looked like he was in so much pain and conflict. The angel was about to speak up and defend the devil with his whole being, ready to cajole him into leaving the room because Minho truly did not want to tell him and Jisung wanted to do this for him. At least this.

  "I am sorry," Changbin shook his head. "It's not like we don't trust you but I think it's better if we stay here. We will be quiet the whole time, we promise."

  Minho sighed but nodded before getting up and going over to the angel, squatting down in front of him with a worried expression on his face. Jisung sensed the tension, so he changed his position into a cross-legged one while extending both of his hands, hoping the older boy will take them into his and that this gesture will calm him down. Minho smiled nervously as his heart quickened and took the hands the angel offered.

  "Where should I start?" he chuckled nervously, looking down at the younger's hands, noticing how pretty they actually were. He felt warmth erupt in his body even though Jisung's hands were rather cold. He traced his knuckles with his fingers before his eyes caught the large scars on the younger's wrist that were hidden behind the sleeve of his shirt. Minho closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  "Start from the beginning," Jisung said quietly, it came out almost as a whisper and gave the devil a comforting smile which he could not see but he could definitely hear it in the angel's voice.

  With a shaky voice, he began to explain the whole story to him. From the very beginning to the very end — which was the present.

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