Chapter 33

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"I don't have a good feeling about this,"

Jisung was panicking. Like extremely panicking. He looked everywhere yet he couldn't even catch a glimpse of it. He was so sure he put the journal in the lowest drawer of his table so when he opened it and couldn't see it there, it's an understatement he was beyond shocked. His whole room was a big mess, he looked everywhere he could but the journal was just nowhere to be found. Minho was standing in the corner of the room, hands folded on his chest as he watched the younger boy run around the room frantically.

"We should've returned it immediately. Now we are facing the consequences," he muttered under his breath as he looked through his desk yet again, slowly losing all the patience he got when they got into the room. They needed to find the journal in order to help Hyunjin — even though Seungmin saved his life (as he told them but without any further details that were not related to his injury), the infection from the bite spread to the rest of his body. And the last thing they wanted was Hyunjin to go into sepsis.

"Why did you even take it?" Seungmin asked, helping the poor boy out although he felt a bit disappointed that they went through his parents' personal things. Not because of the fact they did it itself but because they failed to realise the outcomes this might have. Definitely negative ones. If his mother found them under the table with her journal that she kept away even from him, her own son, Jisung would probably get his wings ripped away right away and Minho would be sent to Hell with no option of returning back to the Imperium.

Jisung just shrugged at his question and plopped down on Changbin's bed before putting his head into his hands, trying to think of where he could've put it. But all his answers and thoughts were pointing at one thing. Mrs Kim must have found out. There was no other reasonable explanation for that.

"Shit ... " Jisung suddenly sprung from his seat, clutching his head in his hands. When he looked at Seungmin through his blurred vision, he saw the angel doing the exact same. Both of them fall to the ground, hearing an intense ringing erupt in their ears. It was as if someone was screaming into their ears right next to them.

"This is bad, this is bad ... " Seungmin kept on repeating as he tried to get up. Confused Minho had no idea what was going on and who he should approach first. Panicked, he ran over to Seungmin who was closer to him than Jisung, helping him up and then carefully walking him towards Changbin's bed before proceeding to pick Jisung up as well, placing him on the bed right next to Seungmin. He worriedly crouched in front of them, putting his hand on Jisung's knee.

"What's wrong? Are you guys good? Did you just get a migraine at the same time?"

Seungmin grunted, "It's not a migraine. This is something much more powerful and I bet it's not just us two, but it's happening to the rest of angels as well. Someone must have cast a spell."

Minho raised a brow as he looked at their faces that were scrunched in pain. Jisung was massaging his temples as if that would help the pain go away and Seungmin was simply just holding his head in place. "Can I help you somehow? I can try to cancel the spell?"

Seungmin nodded, agreeing with the fact that he could try to cancel the spell and help them out because he was currently too weak and in so much pain to even think probably so this was probably the best and only option they got. Minho mumbled a quiet okay before trying out various spells on them — none of them seemed to work, though.

"You are frustrated," Jisung said as he opened his eyes to look at the devil in front of him, his vision still quite blurry. "You cannot do this when you are frustrated, because you are not concentrated enough. Let me do it."

Minho frowned, "You think you can do better than me whilst being in pain? Well, sure. Go on."

Jisung frowned at the distrust in the older's voice, determined to actually do well and be successful so Minho wouldn't have a reason to doubt him and underestimate him in the future ever again. But once the angel shakily voiced out the spell Minho stated a while ago and nothing happened, he pouted while muttering some insults under his breath.

"Before you call me stupid, let me try something else," he said while groggily standing up, having a hard time just simply staying on his two feet. While Minho was looking at the two angels in front of him worriedly, Jisung placed his hands on Seungmin's and began to whisper a spell Minho has not heard yet — and neither has Seungmin.

As the devil was about to pull the angel back into a sitting position, a blinding blue light came out of Jisung's hands. It almost swept the older from his feet as he took a step back from the two angels. The light disappeared as quickly as it came and once Seungmin opened his eyes in disbelief, Jisung knew it worked. He also couldn't feel the throbbing pain in his head anymore as well.

"Did you just ... create a new spell?" the other angel let out a breath as he stared at Jisung with wide eyes, just like the devil in the corner of the room. It was impossible (or at least that was what they thought) to create a new spell without certain aspects that needed to be considered in order for it to work. And if someone managed to actually create something, it never worked. Until now.

"You are definitely much more powerful than we thought," Minho came closer, eyeing the two of them before sighing. "We have to figure out who did this and where the hell is the journal now. And if it is all somehow connected, I won't hold back to snap that someone's neck for hurting people I care about. No matter if I get hurt in the process as well."

"Did you mean it?" Jisung asked quietly once they were back in room 0325 and Seungmin was trying to help Hyunjin with some ointments. Minho looked at him with raised brows as he leaned against the wall, just like the angel next to him. "What you said back there?"

"What do you mean?"

"When you said you are willing to get hurt just to protect the people you care about."

Minho chuckled as he nodded, "Yes, I meant it. Why?"

"It's hot," Jisung admitted as he looked away, blush evident on his cheeks. He could hear Minho let out a low laugh. Averting his gaze at him yet again, he could see a faint smile hovering on his lips once his gaze landed on the younger again.

"This isn't the right time for flirting," another voice spoke up causing the two of them to look away with shame and embarrassment written all over their faces. Chan just smirked as he saw their flustered states and then returned his full attention to the duo at the bed. He felt bad for them, as he was probably one of the few that clearly saw the tension between them and eventually put two and two together.

"It's not looking good," Seungmin confessed, sadness wavering all over him as he looked at the sleeping boy in front of him. "I have no idea how I helped him back there, I- I don't know what happened, why it happened or how. And I just —"

"Were you crying?" Jisung interrupted him as he looked at his friend sitting on the bed while holding the devil's cold hand with his own. Seungmin looked up at him with teary eyes, eyebrows raised. "Were you crying when you were examining his injuries as you told us?"

"I-I don't know, probably? Everything was so rushed and blurry."

Jisung hummed, "It's because your tears can heal any kind of injury. I read in the journal that since you have pure angel blood running through your veins, just a small drop of your tears can heal the unthinkable. Just like your blood. And if you cried, it might have been the reason."

"What if it wasn't?"

"Then you must be a god then," Jisung said and once Seungmin gave him a frown, so the angel put up his hands in defeat. "Sorry, forgot about blasphemy,"

Seungmin rolled his eyes as he looked at his Hyunjin on the bed, still sleeping soundly. The angel wondered what he should do. If it was in a completely different situation, Seungmin would probably know what to do. Or maybe if it generally wasn't him laying in front of him, slowly dying (yet again).

"Should I cry? Or should I stab myself? Huh? What do I have to do!" The young angel cried out as he slowly let himself get held by Chan who approached him a few moments ago, immediately wrapping his hands around him.

"I don't think that's gonna work. It's an infection now, not an injury."

"Then tell me what to do!" Seungmin threw his hands around in a panicked matter, letting his tears fall, finally pulling down the facade his parents set up for him since the moment he was born. This was the first time he let his tears fall in front of someone who was not Hyunjin. Chan wished he could help him but there was nothing he could do, so he just sat there, giving the boy emotional support as the rest of them watched them, heart clenched in pain.

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