Chapter 31

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  "Many years ago," the older started, refusing to look into Jisung's eyes. "I believe it was almost around two hundred years ago. It was a few days after my birthday and Hyunjin, who was only nineteen during that time, decided to give me a belated gift. A visit to the headmasters' oracle. A one no one even had the slightest idea of but Hyunjin was probably the only one aware. Because it was his father that gave it to them. I don't recall much from that day apart from what the oracle told me about my life — about my future and the future of this whole building. I exactly remember it, from word to word. And you would love to hear what it was, right?"

  Jisung nodded as he looked at the older, whose eyes were still fixated everywhere but on the angel. Jisung briefly looked at the other two in the room, who had this look full of empathy on their faces.

  Minho chuckled before even checking the angel's reaction to his rather rhetorical question before continuing: "I was told these following sentences I've always been lowkey terrified of. 'The future of The Imperium might be in your loved one's hands. In the following next hundred years, a young boy will lose a fight with his own life and will end up here by your side. While being extremely unaware of what will happen, the said boy will be extremely powerful yet dangerous for your surroundings. He is a threat to the Kim family and the well-being of everyone living under this roof. His mind will hold more power than any of the spells in your study books and once the Kims get ahold of him and try to get rid of him, the whole base of this building will shamble and slowly get erased from its existence. Everyone will forget anything like The Imperium once existed. This whole thing can be stopped if the boy disappears before the Kims get ahold of him.' That's it. And you are the one, Jisung. You are the boy the Kims are looking for. They want to get rid of you."

  Jisung was shocked, to say the least. He expected everything but this. His hands, that Minho was still holding, started to tremble as he took in all this new information. The devil was now looking him in the eyes, searching for any kind of reaction but Jisung just blankly stared at him with a dull expression on his face.

  "So," Jisung started looking for suitable words but he couldn't find any that would fit the current situation and would not make him seem like a complete idiot. "It would be better for me to not be here, right? Sacrifice me to the headmasters or something then."

  Chan's eyes widened but he took a hold of himself and did not say anything as this thing was simply between those two. That was also the reason Chan was glad Minho eventually agreed to tell the angel about this matter himself because Chan was a bit too overprotective about anyone and he would simply tell various reasons of why Jisung should not say such things.

  "No, don't say that, please." Minho shook his head before continuing with the story as Jisung was unresponsive. "When you first got here, I was unsure. There was this interesting aura surrounding you, so I thought 'Has the time come? Has he finally come?' but there was no indicator that it truly was you. But even Hyunjin talked to me about it and since the two of us were doubtful, we decided to approach you. But it wasn't until Seungmin showed us your past — that's when we were sure your mind is much stronger than anything else in this world and that's why you were able to overcome the power of Mrs Kim's spells. But now, they have found out you are here, too. The only advantage is that they don't know who out of the students here is the one they are looking for. But they will find out pretty soon — they might have found out already hence the reason Hyunjin called."

  Minho looked around the room and got up, heading towards one of the bookshelves while letting go of the younger's hand in the process. He looked at Chan as if asking for approval. When the older nodded, Minho took out a book from the bookshelf and then returned back to Jisung. He opened it on a page with the number 149, his eyes wandering on the old papyrus before he showed the angel an old drawing. It was a building Jisung almost immediately recognised as The Imperium. The building on the drawing was slowly crumbling down, turning into ashes. Minho hesitantly turned the book towards the angel so he could see it better before proceeding to explain it to him.

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