Chapter 32

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Minho heard a loud grunt from the hallways so he pulled away from the sleeping boy in his embrace, hoping it did not wake him up. He assumed it was Hyunjin with Seungmin that have now returned. He rushed out of the room before checking on the sleeping boy again. Once he opened the door, he was met with his friends who were supporting Hyunjin before pulling him inside of the room. If Minho getting clumsily out of the bed did not wake Jisung up, this definitely did.

A loud groan could be heard and once Jisung opened his eyes, still seemingly tired, and saw Hyunjin in the room while panting and clutching his heart, the angel immediately got out of the bed, falling in the process. He ran up to the devil he has not seen for over a month now, searching up for any injuries. This time he did not even mind the burns on his skin whenever he touched the latter. Hyunjin had to push him away for the boy to realise touching him isn't doing any good to him.

"What happened?!" Jisung asked Seungmin, fully awake now as his eyes wandered around the room, seeing all his close friends here. What came unnoticed to him though were the bloodstains on Hyunjin's clothes. Seungmin stood closer to Jisung which resulted in him stepping away, causing Seungmin to sigh.

"He has told you, huh?" Seungmin asked and Jisung frowned. Was Seungmin on the wrong side? Did he stick with his parents? Many thoughts were flooding Jisung's head. At a certain point, he had to put his head into his head to stop the strong migraine from developing into an even stronger one. "I always knew my parents were bad people and I am so sorry to everyone for not even once trying to step in. When Hyunjin tried to warn you, Jisung, I should not have stopped them from telling you the truth because it might be late now. The thing that hurt Hyunjin, a serpent called Naga, was created by my parents' spells to hurt him."

"Don't apologize, Seungmin. You had no idea they could take things this far. Anyways, I don't know if they intended to hurt me, specifically, or if they have mistaken me for Jisung. Either way, my father found out," he trailed off, carefully observing everyone's reactions. And not much to his surprise, everyone's mouth was agape in shock. "And he is not happy about it. So please, don't be worried if I disappear for a few days, I guess I will have to go through a long talk with him. But first things first, we have to make sure Jisung is okay and that the Kims don't get the chance to take over the underworld. Since that would be fatal."

Jisung nodded before thinking about what Hyunjin just said. "What if...," he started, gaining everyone's attention which caused him to shudder a bit under their gazes. "This is exactly their plan?"

"Huh?" Seungmin asked, trying to understand him. After all, Seungmin was the one that knew his parents the best (sadly) so he should probably understand which way Jisung was going with this. He quite understood his thought process but this time, his mind was blank. "What do you mean?"

"What if they hurt Hyunjin in order to somehow hurt his father as well. I don't know the relationship between the two of you but if someone hurt my son, I would definitely be hurt and weakened, too. And doesn't the weak leader of Hell mean weak devils as well? It all makes sense."

"He's right," Chan said as he gave it a thought or two. "That's their whole fucking plan, oh my. I should've known it from the very beginning, damn."

"What do we do now?" Changbin asked as he took a seat on the couch in the middle of the room, Jisung trailing right behind him and then taking a seat right next to him. He shrugged as he looked at Hyunjin with a worried expression on his face before his eyes travelled down to his legs. That was the moment he has noticed the bloodstains. He frowned.

"What he fuck? I asked you if you were okay and you said yes!!! What do you mean, yes? Does this look like a yes to you?" He sprung from his seat and marched towards the blonde tall man with furrowed brows.

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