Chapter 20

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  The said boy looked confused as to where they suddenly appeared. He looked around, feeling lost. When he heard the familiar voice he missed so much, he tried to find the source of the voice. Once his eyes landed on his best friend whom he have not seen for more than a year now, he did not know how to feel. He frantically turned around, eyeing all the angels and devils in the room before facing Jeongin who was in awe as he scanned his surroundings, the enormous columns but also Seungmin. His wings were elegantly resting on his shoulder blades and even Jisung was amazed even though he has seen them numerous times.

  "What is going on," Felix turned around once again, fear and confusion visible in his eyes. His eyes landed on Changbin and then at Jisung again. "Have I finally gone crazy?"

  Jisung shook his head as he carefully stepped forward, not only Felix but everyone carefully watching his steps and the slowly closing distance between them. The angel looked distraught as he begged Jeongin with his eyes to help him out in this situation because he knew that Felix won't believe a word he says. Well, who would believe something your already dead friend told you? Jeongin nodded and grabbed the blonde boy by his shoulders as he tried to explain the situation to him so the boy won't be more frightened than he already is.

  "Felix," the youngest called out his name, trying to grab his attention. "Calm down, hyung. You have not gone crazy."

  Felix began to shake his head. He was very confused and did not quite want to be there. It felt like a lucid dream. The blonde boy closed his eyes, trying to convince himself that it truly was a dream. A really messed up one.

  "Do you remember the nightmares I used to have when I was younger? When I woke up in the middle of the night because I thought someone was in my room?"

  Felix nodded, not really sure where this conversation was going nevertheless, he still kept his eyes closed while trying to wake himself up by saying soothing words in his head which did not seem to work anyway. The latter tightened his grip on his shoulders as he slowly and gently shook him, signalling that he should open his eyes. Felix was reluctant because what if Jeongin turned into some kind of a scary creature in his dream. When he slowly opened his eyes, he felt relieved when Jeongin was, in fact, still Jeongin.

  "Those weren't nightmares," the younger admitted as he pressed his lips in a thin line. Felix looked confused, "I can actually see ghosts, angels, demons ... any kind of creatures that exist beyond our understanding. Ghosts are trapped in our world because there is something they haven't finished during their lives, angels that guard us to heaven and demons that lead us to hell. All of that is real,"

  Felix chuckled, not believing a single word.

  Jisung was nervously watching them while biting his lips. The devils looked interested in this situation as well since they did not move an inch so they won't interrupt their conversation. Changbin was frowning as he eyed the blonde boy. It was nerve-wracking and Jisung thought his heart will jump out of his chest from how nervous he was.

  "And our Jisungie," he pointed towards the angel who sadly smiled at them, "Our Jisungie is an angel now! It fits him so well, right? He is looking after us so no one even dares to harm us because he's always there, ready to protect us."

  Jisung, being the emotional baby he was, felt his eyes filling up with his tears as he heard Jeongin's lovely words. He pouted as he turned to Changbin who patted his back once he saw the teary-eyed boy looking at him. Jisung thought he was strong enough for this but he wanted to back away. Letting the tears fall, he stepped back, ready to leave. Before he could do so, someone stepped in front of him. When he wiped his blurry vision, he realised that it was Minho in front of him with his arms folded on his chest.

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