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This bonus has whatsoever no correlation to the original plot (except the afterlife) so it's just a nice little filler chapter! (To make up for all the angst, hehe) I hope you enjoy!

  "No, I like that one!" Jisung pouted as he pointed towards one of the fluff plushies that were hanging on top of the stall. Minho next to him looked up and scoffed, before turning to the young angel.

  "I can't exactly get you this, silly," Minho replied, crossing his arms in the process. A smug expression was resting on his face and the wind was beautifully messing up his hair. Jisung would have to take a moment and admire the sculpture-like person in front of him if it weren't for the playful insult that left his devil's mouth.

  "Call me silly one more time and I will grab that rifle and shoot your eyes out of your skull."

  Minho laughed out loud, before grabbing the younger by his waist and pulling him closer. He kissed his forehead gently, letting the peck linger for a bit longer than necessary — though to Jisung, it was more than necessary. "My little aggressive angel. What would the commission say about your threats to kill me, hm?"

  Jisung's throat left a giddy laugh that was like a symphonic melody to Minho as he pulled away from the devil and looked him deep in his eyes. "They would probably add that to Han Jisung's List of Sins."

  Minho was about to lean in again, a smile present on his lips as he was eager to let them rest for a bit on the younger's. But Jisung pulled away.

  He pulled away!

  "Your little PDA is not exactly going to bribe me into not getting the plushie." Jisung put his hand on the devil's chest, playing with the buttons of his coat. "Win me the plushie first, then you'll get how many kisses you want."

  The devil snickered, his hands leaving Jisung's waist before he rested them on the angel's hands, feeling just how cold he was. "It's not really a PDA if no one can see us right now."

  It was now Jisung's turn to scoff, his eyebrows quirking. "You are showing me affection and we are in public. Who cares that no one can see us? Or is this your way of telling me you want this ring off my finger?"

  "Then you would simply look like an idiot, kissing and hugging air."

  The angel now frowned and pouted, pulling away from the devil completely. "I want that plushie."

  Minho rolled his eyes before taking the angel's hand in his and proceeding to take off both of their invisibility rings. Jisung looked a bit startled by his actions but the little blush on the devil's face made him want to stand on his tippy toes and kiss his cheeks.

  "Let's get you the plushie."

"You are horrible at this," Jisung murmured as he watched Minho's vale attempt to win him the plushie. It wasn't even the main prize and he was struggling with shooting the three targets!

"Be quiet there, you are distracting me."

"Of course, blame it on me, of course." Jisung chuckled, it was really an entertaining thing to see. Short-tempered Minho trying to win a game for him and successfully losing. "Should I try?"

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