Danzo is behind it all

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Sensei ?

Both of them didn't said a word for a while until Minato broke the silence.

So how are you feeling ?

Now that I see you sensei I feel better now. Obito smiled weakly.

I heard what happened. Is your arm okay ? I guess probably not but let me see it Obito. Minato spoke softly.

It's nothing to worry about really. I appreciate your concern sensei but I'm okay. I can move freely even with my broken arm. Obito said.

Are those chains ? Obito don't tell me that you are handcuffed ?! Minato asked shocked.

Yes I am. Everyone is. We can't move even in our cell freely. At least not without those chains. Obito said.

But Obito what about your broken arm ?!

It must hurt a lot ! Minato gripped the metal bars, his eyes never leaving Obito.

Calm down sensei. It doesn't hurt. As you can see. Obito lift his hand.

I ripped the chain away. Obito smirked.

Minato's eyes widened and he remembered Danzo's words.

You should see him in his cell. He is like monster. I know everything he did. Even behind your back Minato. Even with a broken arm he can still move like nothing.

He might be your student but for everyone else he is just monster.

Minato shook his head trying to get these words away.

Obito. Can I ask you something ? When did you became this strong ? Minato asked.

I wonder when. I think it was when I was training. I faced a lot of danger so that's why I became stronger. Obito explained.

I see. Obito do you perhaps hate Danzo right ? Minato asked already knowing the answer.

Yes I hate him. If he would bring only me into this, that would be fine but not the entire uchiha clan. Obito gritted his teeth.

You did nothing wrong Obito. I believe in you. Minato smiled.

Don't lie to me sensei. I know that you are truly disappointed in me. I heard about the rumors that are spreading now. About how everyone in the village hates me because I hurt Rin. It's not that I like it or hate it. I simply don't care anymore. Obito said.

Obito you've been here a long time. It's not good for your health to stay here any longer. Minato said.

So are you saying that I becoming insane ? Is that what you are trying to say sensei ? Obito asked.

Obito listen to me. I will say it one more time. You are not bad person. No matter what others might say about you I am on your side. You have very kind heart that no one else in the village has like you. Minato said.

Sensei. But you are now hokage. You shouldn't say things like that about prisoner. Obito said.

Hokage or not it doesn't matter. You are still my student. And I refuse to let you be like this. Minato shoved his hand through the bars to pet Obito's head.

I think I love you more ( Obito x Rin ) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя