The Old Past

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(Just wanted to announce that this is how Obito was spending his days outside of the village with uchiha clan)

Obito !
Wake up ! a female voice yelled.

Obito slowly opened his eyes. He stretched like a cat and yawned.

Come out and eat breakfast with us. Mikoto called out for the young uchiha.

Obito rubbed his sleepy eyes and left the tent.

Another bright day. Obito said to himself.

Here here Obito. Mikoto waved at Obito.

Good morning. Obito spoke shily to greet the uchiha family.

You are late. Fugaku said with crossed arms, sitting on his chair.

I am sorry. Obito apologized

Well it's fine. Now sit up and eat. Fugaku said.

Obito finally smiled and sat down next to Sasuke.

Itachi was curiously watching Obito the entire time.

Is something the matter Itachi ? Mikoto asked as she placed the plate with fried eggs and bacon.

No it's nothing. The breakfast looks delicious. Itachi smiled.

Oh it really does. Mikoto san your food looks amazing as always. Obito said.

Obito you flatter me. Mikoto chuckled.

Sasuke eat nicely. I will feed you. Itachi said.

Sasuke only giggled.

How has been your training Obito ?  Now that you have sharingan like us then I hope you are training it well. Fugaku spoke.

Yes yes I do train. But I am still not confident in myself. Sharingan is hard to master.

Don't say it like that. It's shame for uchiha clan. You will catch up.

Fugaku san is so nice to me lately. I wonder why that is. Obito wondered.

Why are you looking at me like that that ? Eat your breakfast and go to train. Fugaku said.

Yes sir !

Sasuke throwed a broccoli at Obito's face.

Hey Sasuke ! That's rude. Itachi scolded his brother.

Ahahahahahaha. Little sasuke only laughed.

What is it Sasuke ? Obito asked chuckling as well.

Sasuke eat your breakfast and don't throw it at Obito.
I am sorry Obito. Sasuke isn't always like this.
Let me wipe it for you. Mikoto wiped Obito's cheek with tissue.

Obito only blushed at the treatment he was getting.

Obito you are red. Itachi pointed.

I am not ! Obito yelled.

Anyway I am going to train. Thank you for the meal.
I'll be back. Obito waved and run away.

He is so cute. Almost like our son. Mikoto smiled.

We already have enough kids. But someone has to take care of him. Fugaku said.

Itachi why don't you go play with Sasuke ? Mikoto suggested.

Itachi nodded.
Yes good idea mother. Let's go play Sasuke. Itachi gently picked up Sasuke and carried him outside.

Little Sasuke only giggled and kept clapping with his tiny hands.

Obito stood at the same place with closed eyes, focusing on his surroundings.

When he felt something was coming, he opened his eyes and pulled a kunai from his pocket and throwed it at the kunai that was flying towards him.

Yoshaaaa ! I did it again ! I could feel it.

I can show off to Rin at this rate. Obito said with sparkles in his eyes.

In Obito's head:
Wow Obito you did it ! That was even better than Kakashi.
I am so proud of you Obito. I love you ! Rin wrapped her arms around Obito's hand.
Obito proudly smiled and adjusted his googles.
I-I can't believe I lost. Damn it ! Obito beat me.
And I was making fun of him all this time.
Please forgive me Obito sama. Kakashi bowed.
Hmph. It looks like you are the loser this time Kakashi. Obito said with smug face.

No !!! This is all wrong ! I can't think highly about myself just from one kunai.
What the hell am I thinking ?!
I am such an idiot !
That was so lame of me. Obito facepalmed.

Obito are you okay ? You've been talking with yourself for a while. Itachi asked.

Itachi ?! Where did you come from ?! Obito jumped from Itachi's presence.

I noticed you training so I arrived to check up on you. With Sasuke of course. Itachi said with smile, holding Sasuke in front of Obito's face.

I see. But don't bring a little baby to the training grounds. It's dangerous. And Itachi you shouldn't be here too. You are still a child. Obito crossed his arms.

I am okay. There is no danger for me. And besides I am a big brother. Itachi hugged Sasuke.

You are amazing Itachi. You are so confident at such a young age. Obito said as he sat down on the wood.

I am not. You are the one who is amazing Obito. You are getting better and better.

Thank you Itachi. But I still have a long way to go.
I made a promise to her. I will get stronger no matter what.

Are you talking about Rin perhaps ? Itachi asked.

What ? How do you know ?! Obito asked shocked.

You've been mumbling a lot from your dreams.
Rin Rin Rin Rin.
Am I wrong ?

Please don't come into my tent when I am sleeping Itachi. Obito sweatdropped.

You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I know about Rin.


Oh Sasuke what is wrong ? Itachi asked.
Perhaps he has been outside for too long. Obito said.
No that can't be it. There there Sasuke. Your big brother is right here with you.
You have nothing to be afraid of. Itachi spoke softly.

Sasuke immediately became silent.

Wow Itachi. You have some kind of power to make Sasuke quiet.

I shouldn't be in the way of your training Obito.
Good luck. Itachi left soon and Obito returned back to training.

This is going to be a long and hard training.
I will not rest unless I will be satisfied.
I am doing this also for my friends.
I wonder how is Kakashi and Rin doing without me.
Rin must be so happy to be with Kakashi. They can be all alone...
No I won't let him win. I am a man !
I got this.
Obito closed his eyes and then he opened them.
Sharingan !

(Guess who is hack ? Finally ! There will be a few chapters break from the present time.
I will try to write more often now. It's been so long I wasn't writing for this fic I almost forgot everything about it. So if you notice anything strange please correct me. Thank you very much for the support and see ya soon ^^)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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