Shisui is in danger

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Are you ready Rin ? It's not going to be easy to get in there. Kakashi said.

I'm ready. I don't care how dangerous it is. I want to see Obito again. I want to know if he's alright. If he is even eating. How long will he be there. Rin said.

I see. So we can go now. Kakashi said.

Wait ! Shouldn't we ask Minato sensei first ? I mean he is the hokage but also our sensei so I think it's only right for him to know. Rin said.

I guess you are right. But if you want to ask someone it should be Danzo. Kakashi said.

I have nothing to say to him. He is not hokage and I don't like people who thinks they are.

Minato sensei is taking the responsibilities like no other hokage. I don't want to talk bad about other hokages but that's just how it is.

Also I don't like the second hokage that much because thanks to him Danzo is doing whatever he wants and he is treating the uchiha clan like animals. Rin said.

If you say it like that I have nothing to say.

Alright let's go ask Minato sensei. Kakashi said.

Rin nodded and they were off.

Meanwhile Minato was sitting at his desk thinking what else should he do for his dear student.

I can't concentrate. Obito is always in my mind. The fact that I can't go to see him again is absurd. Even if I don't have power down there I am still hokage. What should I say to Danzo ? Should I befriend him ? No that's stupid. I have no reason trying to befriend someone like him. It looks like it's true. There are some things that even hokage can't do.

The loud knocking interrupted Minato's thoughts.

Come in. Minato said as he put the last paper down.

Oh Kakashi, Rin. What's wrong ? Can I help you with something ? Minato smiled at them.

Kakashi and Rin looked at each other and Rin began to speak.

Actually we wanted to ask your permission if we can go see Obito or not.

Minato remained silent. He remembered Obito's words.

I don't want them here.

No. Minato said.

Huh ?

I said no. You can't go see him. Minato said.

But sensei. Obito is important to us and we want to know if he is okay. Kakashi said.

I was talking with him. You don't need to worry about him. He is doing fine. Minato lied.

How ?! How is he doing fine ?! He is blaming himself for everything I'm sure about that ! Rin raised her voice.

Obito said it himself. He doesn't want you there. Minato said.

I don't care about his opinion. Me and Kakashi need to see him and talk with him. Rin said.

I think I love you more ( Obito x Rin ) Where stories live. Discover now