The Old Friend

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Stop it right there ! The mysterious man said.
It can't be. Obito said speechles.
Who is that man ? Rin asked.

Everyone stared in awe at the man and the two people behind that man on hokage's stone faces.
I won't let you go any further. Because the great Yahiko arrived. Yahiko said as he did the Jiraiya pose.
Oh it's that fool. Nevermind him. Don't pay him any attention. Danzo said as he turned his back against him.
Yahiko almost fell.
Hey ! How dare you ?! You think I don't hear you from up hear ?!
Yahiko calm down. The red haired boy said.
W-what are you doing here Yahiko ? Obito asked as he was close to crying.
Isn't that obvious ? I am here to rescue my friend ! You think I will let someone like you die ? Yahiko smiled.
Obito knows him. Are they acquaintances ? Rin asked herself.
If you try to do anything funny then you will be considered as a criminal. Danzo said as he turned back against Yahiko.
Yahiko and the other two jumped down to everybody.
Criminal ? Are you really the one talking here Danzo ?
Trying to execute the whole uchiha clan. Are you out of your mind ?
How does he know about this ? Rin asked.
Konan, the letter. Yahiko said to the blue hair girl.
Here. Konan gave Yahiko a big letter.
Don't try to stop him. Danzo is only trying to save us from these dangerous people. One villager said.
Save you ? Yahiko asked.
Listen everyone. This man is nothing but a liar ! Yahiko said as he pointed at Danzo.
What are you saying ?
Prove yourself !
The villagers started yelling at Yahiko.
Very well. I will prove it to you.
As we all know few of the uchiha fellows did bullied the villagers. That much is true.
But what about you guys ? Didn't you all did the same ?
Every single one of you did hurt the uchiha clan more than they hurt you all.
None of the uchihas killed anybody in this village.
Those are false rumors that are spreading through the whole village. Yahiko explained.
Then how can you prove that they are innocent ?! They were gone for 5 years and they could have killed thousands of innocent people ! One villager said.
Yes. No one does know if they killed innocent people or not.
But we Akatsuki can prove that uchiha clan is innocent !
Because uchiha clan was the one who saved us and the Amegakure !
Yahiko opened the letter and started reading it.

Hokage Minato Namikaze. I have been informed on what is going on in your village.
I must thank you for what the uchiha clan did for us.
We have been in very rough situations and we can thank nobody else but the uchiha clan and the Akatsuki.
Especially Yahiko, Konan, Nagato and Obito for stopping the war.
You have my thanks Minato.
Me and the other villages can prove that the uchiha clan done nothing wrong by these past few years.
Yahiko put the letter down and everyone was silent.
What kind of war ? What do you mean by that ?! The villagers asked.
Yahiko turned to Danzo with a big death glare.
This man right here wanted to start another war ! Just for his selfish desires.
I was meant to be killed by him but this uchiha right here saved me. Yahiko pointed at Obito.
How can this be ?
Can we really trust him ?
But well the letter is from Hanzo.
The Akatsuki. Aren't they the one who saved many people ?
I heard about them too.
The people were gushing around while Yahiko did send Konan somewhere else.
Quiet down ! We did said a lot and I am sure that some of you still find it hard to believe us but there is one more thing you all didn't know.
Danzo wanted to take the eyes of this young uchiha by force and wanted to become hokage by talking dirty about the current fourth hokage ! Yahiko pointed at Shisui who was freed by Konan.
My prey ! How did you get him out of the cell ?! Danzo asked
It was quite simple. Konan said.
Damn you Yahiko. Because of you.... because of you four brats I could have been hokage. Danzo gritted his teeth as he faced Yahiko.
Did you heared this man's words right now ?! Yahiko asked everybody.
What does this mean ?!
Explain yourself Danzo !
Screw you and your bullshit !
How dare you trick us !!!
Someone like you doesn't deserve to be hokage !
The villagers kept yelling at Danzo.
Danzo gritted his teeth and run away.
I won't let you !!! Yahiko said as he wanted to follow Danzo but Minato stopped him.
You already done enough Yahiko. Let me handle the rest. Minato smiled and adjusted his hokage cloak.
Without the second Minato caught Danzo, pointing the kunai against his back.
Stop trying to resist Danzo. It will get only worse. Minato said.
Damn you Minato. Danzo cursed under his breath.
Too bad Danzo. You were too close. Homura said.
You should have been more careful. These brats outsmarted you. Koharu said.
Take him away along with these two. Minato said to the anbu.
Yes hokage sama. They nodded and put handcuffs on Danzo, Homura and Koharu.
I curse you ! I curse you Yahiko, Minato, Obito Uchiha and the other two brats ! Danzo said before they took him away.
Yahiko freed Obito and patted his back.
You okay buddy ? Yahiko smiled.
Y-yeah. Now you were the one who saved me. Thanks a lot. Obito weakly smiled.
Don't mention it. Yahiko chuckled.

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