Obito is going to die

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Minato, Rin and Kakashi arrived to some dark room.
What is it that you wanted to show us Minato sensei ? Rin asked as Minato stopped walking.
To tell you the truth I am planning to save everyone from the uchiha clan by my own. Minato said.
What ?! Kakashi and Rin asked.
But Minato sensei ! It is dangerous. No it's impossible. Rin said.
Don't worry. It's not what it sounds like. I have the proof that uchiha clan is innocent in this case. Minato pulled some papers from his drawer.
What are those ? Rin asked.
With those papers the uchiha clan will be saved. But we must not let out guard down. Danzo and his men are on the move.
I was thinking way ahead of Danzo because I knew he would cause some trouble.
I don't know how long it will take us to save them but we will save them for sure. And bring Obito back. Minato said to his students.
Sensei in that case let us help you. Rin said.
Minato shook his head.
No. I don't want you two to be involved in my plan.
This is something only I can do. Minato said turning his back.
But sensei. You said that we might help too. Kakashi said.
Yes I did. You can help by counting on me.
Looking at it like that, I must say I feel like I am the worst hokage.
I was not able to save my student when he did nothing wrong and this is all misunderstanding.
But Minato sensei. Rin said.
You two can go now. Hurry.
Kakashi and Rin left Minato alone who stood at the same spot and punched the wall next to him.
I won't let you have your way Danzo. No matter what. Minato said with cold eyes.


Obito you are still training ? Minato asked as he walked closer to Obito with a smile on his face.
You should go home and rest. It's not good to train this long. Minato stopped next to Obito.
No ! Still not enough. Tomorrow I will beat Kakashi for sure.

End of the flashback

The next day he was not able to defeat Kakashi. But he never gave up.
He kept trying over and over again and didn't wanted to stop.
That's who Obito is.
Minato sat down in front of the desk and started rereading the papers in his hands.
This will save uchiha clan for sure.

Kakashi and Rin bid bye to each other and walked their own paths home.

I am sure Obito will be fine. He can't be there forever.
Me and Rin will do something about it.
We won't give up that easily.
Obito is my friend.
Father I am going to break the rules.
Kakashi looked at the sky.
This is the right thing to do. I am sure you would say the same.
He is my dearest friend and I will do anything for him.
Obito deserves to live.
He is like everyone's hope.


Hey Kakashi stand up ! Fight me !
Will you ever shut up Obito ? Today we have no mission, no training so just let me eat alone. Kakashi said as he wanted to pull his mask down.
Oh. So you are saying that today you can slack off ? Didn't you said that training needs to be done every day in order to become stronger ? Obito said with smug face.
I was talking about you. And I am plenty of strong now anyway.
And who told you I am slacking off ? You are persistent. Kakashi groaned in annoyance.
About me ?! Who do you think are you talking to ?! You are being very rude right now. Just watch me. I will become stronger than you one day. And I will let you eat your words. Obito said with a fist in the air.
I don't wanna watch you. Get lost. I am not interested. Just go away and leave me alone. Kakashi said as he was playing with the dango stick.
What now ? Kakashi looked up to see Obito.
You are the person I respect the most. Including Minato sensei.
I know I am not good enough but I don't want anything to happen to Rin or everyone else.
I will protect this village.
With that Obito left and Kakashi looked back at the plate.
Idiot. Of course I know you are going to get stronger. Everyone does change. Everyone except me.
But that's good. I am fine with it.
As long as I can do something for everyone that is enough.

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