First Birth

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In earlier time, to be accurate in my first birth. The land was covered by forest, in long past the souls of divine gods and spirits would dwell. Back then men and beast lived in harmony but as time passed by the forest were destroyed and the one which remained was protected by Giants and ruler of wind and water.

My life was short but worth, but in my second birth it was still messed up as the curse which was MADE in me is still here and what made it to be here? PEOPLE!


AGE- 5

GIFT- Shadow creator}

It was the age when all children would be gifted a power by the FOREST SOUL. One member of the family would get the most powerful gift of all but mine was the power no one heard of.

General scolding 'what a useless power you have got!

Don't say that to a kid, I believe the mother nature made this power in its own beauty said my grandfather, who didn't know what future was holding. My father was general of our village and so my grand-father, ex-general and also an AGILIST (A power to understand and communicate in any language) 

Genera l- How can shadow will help in the fight, remember we are fighting the monster made of gold and greed!

Glance - I can also communicate with them, Father. They understand how I feel!

Ex-General - You should help the young ones, many of them got their powers today!

General- yes father!

In my tribe, the one is said to be strong if they have any of these four majors' powers. 





But I always believed other powers were more amazing than these but as our ancestors used these powers more, it got title to be strong. I loved my grandfather's power as his ability helped him to extend our forest boundaries with no blood war. Everyone thought my powers were useless and so did I, but POWER IS MADE WHEN FEELINGS ARE RECOGNISED and so did my shadow.

General- we should focus on young ones! people having gifts or not should be treated equally because training is for all. The training will have archery, sword fighting, group battles and then people having gifts will have extra work of learning!

How ironic, the person who was just insulting me is now talking about equality. That time we used to live in huts but still my village was pretty developed because of power and also the knowledge we got from the spirits and animals. I did have useless power but as time passes by, I was at the top.

Glance - I saw telekinesis today! it was with water. That guy just controlled water and attacked me! It was awesome!

Grandfather- we can also have element power, if what said in scripts are true, I would have fire and so I could lift and use fire in my range or near me!

My power that is shadow was in more power when I think to GROW or Protect. I could make wall and also clones but in black and so my power was useful in night. My people always had clash with town humans, we call them monsters of gold as they are always greedy, and the leader has a golden tooth. As they don't worship our mother nature, they don't have any powers but still we fear them somehow and that fear came to terror start.

We have the lake where anyone could be healed and so we had to protect it from town humans. We have animals with us, whom we protect and so they protect us in return. We have magical lands that give us gold and other metals and those were the things the town people wanted.

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