Sweet family

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As I started meeting my new family more and more, I see my previous life mother father in them. I still miss my grandfather as he only could show me love. I really love to spend time with Ash. Me, Kera and my family would be together. Ash is still connected to that woman. She is mysterious as I never saw her face and yet she in connected to magical world more than I do.

' Can you tell me about that woman?' I asked as Ash and me were alone playing pool. He looked at me and said' No need to get connected to her again, she will destroy you. You are lucky that you and Kera got rid of her, but the story doesn't end here' He was concerned but he said the story. 

' She is not from here, this world or realm. Keral! we are lucky we know about powers and gifts but as we go closer there are many things we don't know. Normal humans may read comics or watch a movie on paranormal or superpower genres, but do you think they actually believe. All they say is IF I had this power and that IF is a doubt. We, all gift users stay hidden because we know once our power is exposed people won't let us live. Some may see us as HEROES but if anything goes wrong those people will make us VILLAINS ' he then stopped as he knows the world by now. 

' That woman is from another realm; nobody can believe it. Other world hidden on Earth itself and the fact she knows about us means she has greater power than we think. She wants that girl as she said 'RUBY' is different and don't belong here. Anyone connected to her will involve in dark things. That woman thinks that girl's blood and soul is polluted! should be killed if don't want to be consumed by dark energies. 'Ruby' girl is not from here, maybe it's all that birth theory. Women wants her because she is different and strong in her own way, she should not acknowledge her power. ' He explained everything.

'She might be safe but still can cause harm without intention as she is not herself' I said. Ash and I had long conversation over it and the conclusion was the women won't leave me and Kera alone as we know about her. I don't want her to know Kera was a Forest Soul, I am sure she can pull Kera's power and if she does that, my beast will be with her and will use the power for something terrible. Because Ruby is different, she can be killed! what a world I am living in. 

Being different always cause trouble, only the person knows that how strong they are if acknowledged. 

I met Kera the other day and now can be close to Ruby as my energy is low by now. I was with Jack and Karl because of celebration of Clove's birthday. Even after all this powers and magic I am also a human, who wants happiness. Kera and I spent more time together and when anything goes wrong or I have to go far away for my other missions of Gift users, she would say 'We are together anyway' which means-


I felt like a human when I got Kera, I met new people, got along with my family, this second birth - I WILL NEVER FORGET. Otner and Nitafo's spirit are still in my shadows as Kera wanted to heal her body and Soul cracks. By that time, I would bring crystals to her to heal quick. 

'One year is completed with Keral here, soo many things have happened ' said Jack and so Karl happy to see me with everyone. This was the second family I have in this birth, the meaning of family was soo great who would have thought. The only thing I was worried about was a wall can break even if flowers are growing with it. 

ASH- Keral!! we have a problem. That woman is after Ruby, take her somewhere far from here. She can control people and I don't know which one of us is being controlled. Go fast take away her from this house. 

Kera- Keral, I am also coming. She can't possess me because of Blessings I have!

Ruby was with us, she didn't know what was going on. Kera said to just follow up. Ruby has great instincts as she could easily observe the environment and not to forget she, when think about a story she could mark same place, lines and what happened to the character as if she was there. We never told her anything and even we try too the words would get shuffled or blurred as someone is stopping us to tell her. We were sure it was that women's power. 

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