Chapter One

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Welcome to Chapter One of this new crossover - this is my first attempt at a Newtmas fan fiction so please be nice and any advise is greatly appreciated - as this is a nice long one, I will continue without any further ado - enjoy!!!

Scott POV

I can't believe this day is here already, I thought I would feel more nervous but I guess I have nothing to feel nervous about, I guess right now I am feeling a mix of sadness and excitement. Excitement as I am marrying someone who I love deeply and can see myself spending the rest of my life with but sadness as my Best Man wasn't going to be there.

"Scott, sweetie it is time. Let me have a look at you." Mum says from the doorway as I turn around dressed up in what Stiles would have called our penguin suits. I try to hold the smile on the face, but I feel a tear run down my face as I notice the same expression on Mum's face.

"Oh Scott, when did you get so grown up? She is such a lucky girl getting you as a husband today but before we head off, I have something I want to give you." Mum advises and hands me a small box before wiping the tears off my face as I try and keep on a brave face.

I open the box and inside is a gold pocket watch, I gently tip it out my hands shaking slightly as it looks too new to be a family heirloom. I open it up inside and see the beautiful clock face inside before looking to the other side makes my legs suddenly feel weak.

"Noah helped me get it sorted, he thought a watch was appropriate as Stiles always seemed to be late to everything, Lydia provided the picture as she said it is one of her favourites of the pair of you

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"Noah helped me get it sorted, he thought a watch was appropriate as Stiles always seemed to be late to everything, Lydia provided the picture as she said it is one of her favourites of the pair of you." Mum advises coming to sit down onto the bed that I hadn't even realised I had sat down on.

"Mum, I don't know what to say it is perfect. I was wondering how I was going to get through today without him here but now I know he will be with me no matter what or where I go. Thanks Mum this means the world to me, I just can't believe he is not going to be here for this." I advise before slipping the watch in the inner breast pocket closet to my heart.

"I know Scott, but I am sure no matter where he maybe right now he was wishing he was here also for you." Mum states before a knock resides on the front door, we both quickly wipe the trailing tears from our faces before heading downstairs to greet whoever was at the door.

As Mum heads to open the door I divert into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, I can't help but notice the silence coming from the door area. I listen closely and can hear my Mum's heart racing, so I place my glass down and move quickly towards her.

"Mum, is everything okay?" I ask as I reach for the door to open it further as she seems to be frozen just staring at whoever was on the other side.

As I pull the door further open, I can't believe the sight standing in front of me, I have dreamt of this moment for so long how I would either break down crying and run into his arms but right now I am just frozen. He is here but, in some way, it doesn't quite seem like it is him but I know it is.

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