Chapter Twenty One

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Welcome to Chapter 21 - thank you everyone for reading, voting commenting - your support on this and all my other stories have been amazing - here is the next chapter, enjoy!!

Newt POV

When Chuck arrived to tell me that Thomas had been spotted, my heart skipped a beat with excitement, but I can't stop the slight shake occurring in my hands. Looks like the theory about Thomas been Guardian was incorrect if there is two people walking our way.

As I leave my tent I try to steady my racing heart, millions of thoughts raced through my head over what he could have been through or what WCKD could have done to him as I am guessing as he is returning with Guardian he must have been taken by WCKD.

As I reached the entrance, I saw the two people walking in perfect sync with each other and I have to stop myself racing forward towards him. Everything within me is wanting me to grab him and run away far from here and forget any of this every happened but I know that is not fair to our family and friends.

Everyone arrives standing behind me as Scott and Noah come stand either side of me, the relief and smiles on their faces wipe away any concerns or worries about what was happening. Yesterday we only had a theory but today we have solid proof that my husband is alive and is coming home to me.

"For the love of everything, Newt please just go run to him before your heart bursts out of your chest." Scott states giving me a heavy shove forward causing me to stumble slightly before I break into a run, my limp slowing me down but right now that wasn't going to stop me.

I notice Guardian whisper something to Thomas who quickly raised his head and his sparkling smile made me fall in love with him all over again. I quickly skid to a stop as he starts moving faster forward and breaking into his own run, I watched almost in slow motion as he raced past me without any acknowledgement.

"Dad!" Thomas screams as he passes me and I turn in time to watch him collide with his Dad who is in shock at first before quickly squeezing tightly onto Thomas.

I try to brush it off as I remember the last time, they were together Thomas basically died in his Dad's arms so the reunion was long over due and more emotionally charged but saying that I was right in front of him and received no acknowledgement what so ever.

"Come on Newt, let us return to the others. It is not safe for us to remain in the open for so long." Guardian advises as I walk back with him towards the entrance to the Safe Haven where Thomas was hugging everyone. No scratch that, he was only hugging those connected to his life as Stiles.

"Tommy?" I ask my voice shaking slightly as I speak but he doesn't seem to register I was speaking to him, so I reach my hand out and gently tap his shoulder.

As he spins around the sunlight flashes in his beautiful hazel eyes and he looks more handsome then first time I ever lay eyes on him. I can't hold myself back as I dive forward and wrap my arms tightly around him, I breathe deeply into his shoulders as I fight to hold back the tears. He seems to awkwardly tap me on the back in a way of comfort before pulling me away from him, I can't help but notice the confused look on his face.

"Are you okay?" Thomas asks and his voice sounds generally concerned but a hint of confusion can't be hidden from his voice or facial expression as I quickly compose myself and wipe away the few tears that had escaped from my eyes.

"Yeah sorry about that, you looked very similar to someone I have lost. Welcome to the Safe Haven, I am Newt." I state before holding out my hand for him to shake it which he does before flashing me a warmer smile.

"Nice to meet you Newt, I'm Stiles. I must say Newt is a very unique name, yet I am not one to say anything." Stiles states with a small chuckle which made my heart skip a beat, I try to ignore the strange looks I am receiving from everyone else.

"Thank you G, for saving me from that place and bringing me home. I don't know how I can ever repay you." Stiles states towards Guardian before shaking his hand also before heading to stand between Scott and Noah as I remain stood near Minho and Gally.

"You saved yourself Stiles, I merely unlocked the final door. Please remember what we spoke about." Guardian advises as Stiles looks from his family and friends back to Guardian before nodding showing he understood what he had said.

As Guardian turned to walk away, I followed after him as I needed answers, he didn't stop or slow down until he reached a bench a short walk away from the entrance and took a seat and waited for me to join him.

"They placed him into the Maze again, didn't they? That is why he doesn't answer to the name Thomas anymore." I ask after a few moments of sitting silence next to him, he nods his head but doesn't speak as I feel a heavy rock drop in my stomach.

"How long was he alone in the Maze for and where are the others?" I ask wondering if he had placed them elsewhere or had the unthinkable happen this time, was Stiles the only survivor.

"Newt, there were no others. WCKD placed him alone in the Maze for six months before I managed to get him out. It was the same Maze that we, you and your friends were in." Guardian states and I notice he said we before quickly changing it to you. Who is this man?

"We? You were going to say the same Maze that we were in. Who are you?" I ask noticing the drop in Guardian's shoulder as he seems to realise what he had just said, he raises himself back to his feet before walking away from me leaving many unanswered questions in the air.

"Right now, he needs you more then he has ever needed you in the past. If you want to know who I am come with Stiles when it is time." Guardian advises as he walks away, I rise off the bench and watch him walking back down into the world alone.

"TIME FOR WHAT?!" I scream after him as I don't think I can handle anymore surprises right now but he just carries on walking until he completely vanishes out of sight.

Well, I was stood out there I finally noticed how dark it had become, I hear footsteps approaching behind me and expect to see Minho or Gally or maybe even Alby appear but when I turn around, I am surprised to see Stiles.

"Hey, everyone has turned in for the night, but I noticed I hadn't seen you return so thought I would check on you." Stiles advises and it makes my heart flutter that he was worried about me, I can't hide the small smile that appears on my face as he speaks.

"Thanks, I appreciate that, I had thought you would have been the first to crash after the day you must have had." I advise as we take the slow walk back towards the Safe Haven, I notice he has slowed down his speed to take each step with me. It reminds me of the nights we walked around the Right Arm when neither of us could sleep.

"I think I am still hardwired for Maze life currently, my first few nights in the Glade I really struggled to get to sleep but then doing them daily sprints around the Maze seemed to knock me out as soon as I got back, especially that one time I got stuck overnight in the Maze and was chased by these.. no wait that was a nightmare I had." Stiles advises before stopping by the dying bonfire that had been lit, I hold onto the little bit of hope that my Thomas is still somewhere within the man in front of me.

"You know if you every want to speak to anyone about what you experience or what you see in your dreams, then I am here for you or anyone else of the Gladers. Out of everyone here, we know exactly what you have been through, some here was in the Glade for over three years." I advise him offering a verbal olive branch or lifeline to try and give me a reason to spend more time with him.

"I appreciate that Newt, if you can find me someone who doesn't mind going for a run with me that would be great. Man, If you met me before I use to hate running but now I can't imagine not getting up and going for a run." Stiles advises and I know the perfect person, they had such a close connection and Thomas risked everything including his freedom to save him.

"I know just the guy, I will introduce you to him tomorrow. Go get some rest and I will see you in the morning." I advise before turning away from him and start heading towards my tent before allowing him to reply.

"Night Newtie!" Stiles states as I whip around to face him but he is already running over to the tent I guess he is now sharing with his Dad.

"Night Tommy!"

Thank you for reading, new chapter will arrive soon!!!!

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