Chapter Five

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Welcome to Chapter five, thank you again everyone for your lovely comments, votes and reading this crossover - now I can't do a crossover without doing at least one video, if this video doesn't work please just watch your fav newtmas video as it will work with the story either way - enjoy!!!

Dying of a broken heart. A phrase until recently I thought only existed in myths or was just a phrase used when they didn't know how else to explain a sudden death. But hearing them words come out of Dr Greyer's mouth as he finally provided us with an update after nearly five hours of waiting and wondering what was happening.

"We have managed to fix the break in his arm and have plated his ribs while they heal to help with his breathing but apart from that in relation to the accident, I must say he got off very lucky compared to how it could have been. However, he is dying from something we cannot stop, we have made him comfortable, so he is not feeling any pain. I'm so sorry!" Dr Geyer advises, I feel as though my heart has frozen inside my chest, I am losing my best friend and there is nothing I can do.

"Scott, you can save him. Please save my boy and give him the bite. I can't lose him!" Noah begs me as tears pour down his face, but I know I can't do that, this is not what Stiles would have wanted.

"I can't, I really wish I could but he would never forgive me if I did." I advise and the gravity of the words hits me as I can't stop the down pour of tears rushing out of my face.

"I DON'T CARE AT LEAST HE WILL STILL BE ALIVE; DAMN IT SCOTT GO SAVE HIM." Noah screams before charging at me and starts hammering on my chest and I just wrap my arms around him and cuddle him allowing him to break down.

"Sir, there is only one person that can fix what Thomas is dying of and unfortunately that person is no longer with us anymore." Teresa advises and I remember something that Stiles had said in the ambulance before he passed out again.

"Newt. That was his name, wasn't it?" I ask as I still hold tightly onto the sobbing Sheriff as I look towards where Teresa and her friends are gathered.

"Yes, since Thomas and Newt first met in the Glade there was this instant connection and bond that just seemed to strengthen and grow with each passing day." Minho explains as I guide Noah into a waiting chair as he appears to have some what calmed down while Minho has been talking.

"What I don't understand though is how is he not back? I mean everyone else who has died is now back from Chuck to Alby even Teresa, but I haven't seen or heard from Newt." Gally advises causing confusion to arise as what he says is impossible, none of them could have died as they are all in front of us right now.

"Oh crap, what if we are not the only ones to still be alive right now? What if that is why we can't find him?" Alby advises as Chuck stands up and rushes over to the desk before racing down the corridor, we all take off after him until he burst through the door right into Stiles's room.

"Damn it Thomas, wake up and look at me. Look at us all and realise that your heart is no longer broken as it once was. Please open your eyes and see that you are not alone, your family is here for you." Chuck advises cuddling tightly into Stiles as he speaks, everyone present starts allowing the tears to run down their face as the monitor next to Stiles starts to beep slower.

"Stiles, my dear sweet boy, I don't know if you can hear me but if you can please know it is okay if you want to go. I know I can't be selfish and make you stay with me so if you need to go, you can go. But if there is some part of you that can hear our voices and know that there is still people here who love you dearly then you fight for me. Fight to come back to us." Noah states stroking the hair on Stiles's head as he speaks; I can't believe it has come to this after everything we have been through.

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