Chapter Seventeen

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Welcome to Chapter 17 - I want to apologies for the delay in updating, I have fractured my Scaphoid so bit painful to type currently - also a massive thank you to everyone who has read, voted or commented so far, this story just reached 4k which is amazing to me - so to celebrate you have a lovely long chapter like this intro - enjoy!!!

Six months later

Newt POV

Six months to the day since he died and the pain is still as fresh as the day it happened, but it is slowly easing. Every night we tell stories of his adventures before, during and after the Maze, we have all found comfort in each other's presences and I love hearing about the goofball he was.

The Safe Haven is thriving with new arrivals seeming to arrive every week, each with different stories of how they were freed from captivity and escorted to the edge of town before been given directions to the Safe Haven.

None of them could describe their saviour as they all advised they wore a cloak with the hood up constantly, so they were unable to see the face underneath, but they say all say the same that when he spoke his voice was comforting and they no longer felt afraid but instead hopeful.

Scott and the others went back to where each group had been left by the mystery person but none of them could catch any scent to try and work out who it could have been or in what direction they could have gone off in. So instead, we just wait for the next group arrive to see if they can offer any further information.

About a week has passed since the last group had arrived and they seemed to have been settling in quite well, since everything happened we seemed to have adopted an effective system to get the Greenies settled and into the way we work quite quickly. First a check up with Melissa in the medical tent before then been provided there sleeping areas, next is a documentation with Rafael and Noah which normally includes them providing any details they can remember before DNA sample is taken to see if they are in the missing persons database.

If not present they then continue on and after an age is determined they are either enrolled in the local school or the school in the Safe Haven depending on what time of year it is and if they have any space to accommodate them. The older ones deemed past school age are given jobs around the Haven, these are similar to the ones in the Glade minus the Giant Walls with scary arse creatures on the other side.

Once I have completed my task for today, I find myself stood near the memorial stone, I stare at Thomas's name before placing my hand gently on top to try and calm myself and feel as close as possible to him. I know I could take the short walk to where he is buried but for some reason I have always felt closer to him here, maybe it is because are names and next to each other which is a bit weird as I am still here.

I get so lost in my thoughts I didn't even here anyone arriving with me until a comforting hand is placed on my shoulder. I turn to look to see Noah standing with me, his eyes fixed on his only son's name before reaching his own hand out to cover my own.

"I tried so hard to block out what today was, but the way life is, it has these funny little ways of creeping up into your just to remind you. Whether it is the way someone acts, a game, a smell or even just the peace and quiet." Noah states as a single tear runs down his cheek and dropping down onto the ground.

"Today? What is so important about today?" I ask out of curiosity as we both drop our hands down from the wall and I turn to full look at him, I am in a way preparing myself to embrace him if needed.

"It is the anniversary of the day I got a phone call to tell me that Stiles was dead but obviously we now know instead he was taken by WCKD." Noah explains and I can tell that this day is weighing heavier on him then any other day since Thomas's death.

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