Chapter Eleven

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Welcome to Chapter 11, I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has read, voted and commented so far on this story - sorry for random times between updates but hoping to get back soon to updating more often - so here is a super long 2000+ word chapter for you all, enjoy!!!

Minho POV

As we arrive back at the Safe Haven, I make sure to give myself a task that separates me from everyone else as right now I need some air, I make into the woods heading towards the hidden under ground hatch that holds our emergency supplies.

I find a fallen down trunk near to the hatch and perched myself down taking a moments peace which is something that I haven't found since I use to run those long days in the maze. How times have since them scary times? A branch snapping near by broke me out of my thoughts, I slowly rose from where I was and looked towards where I thought the sound had come from.

"Hello! Who's there?" I ask my eyes scanning ever inch of the woods that I can see while slowly stepping closer to the hatch in case I need to defend myself.

"Not safe... didn't escape. I need to find him." I hear a familiar voice stutter out, but they are too far away for me to place a name to the voice I am hearing.

"I promise I am not going to hurt you; I can help you. If you will let me?" I state slowly stepping forwards as not wanting to scare them any further or cause them to bolt before I can help them.

"I am so cold and so scared. I don't know what to do, I need to warn him and protect him." The voice answered back sounding more scared then the first time they had spoken to myself.

"Please come to me, I can help you. I promise, my name is Minho. What is yours?" I state moving further away from the hatch and closer to the voice and the thin frame of the man in front of me.

"Minho! Is that really you or am I just dreaming?" The voice states more hopeful as he finally moves towards me, and I see a face I never thought I would see again.

"Newt? Oh my god, Newt is that really you?" I state racing over to him and wrapping my arms tightly around him as he holds me tightly as though he is scared, I am about to disappear. Before his arms suddenly drop and his head rolls to the side and I notice that he has passed out, I scoop him into my arms and slowly start walking back to the main camp area.

As I come out of the tree line with Newt in my arms, I notice a silence seems to fill the camp as eyes snap in my direction in shock at who is in my arms. I walk towards the direction of the medical tent as I notice Alby, Gally, Vince and Brenda running in my direction.

"Is that really who I think it is? How is he here right now?" Alby asks me but right now my focus is getting him into the medical tent and then I can start thinking about the how.

"I don't know, he just appeared in the woods out of nowhere. He wasn't really making much sense; can you please call Scott and the others and get them here as this changes things?" I ask no one in particular as we reach the tent before I lay him gently down on the bed.

Gally excuses himself to make the requested calls and I know it won't be long before they arrive as we are only situated about five minutes outside of the main centre of the town. As I step back and stand with the others, I finally taken in Newt's appearance for the first time since he collapsed into my arm in the woods.

He looked healthier in the sense I can no longer see any signs of the flare on him anymore, but he doesn't look healthy with the clear signs of torture he has endured. On his wrists are broken shackles which are carefully been removed as we watch him, his face is sunk in with deep bags present under his eyes with plenty of cuts and bruise covering every piece of skin currently.

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