Chapter Twenty-Four

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Welcome to Chapter 24 - thank you everyone for reading, commenting and voting - here is the next update, a gif is included - enjoy!!!

Stiles POV

Of all the questions he could ask, why did he choose that particular question? Newt backs away from the door of the cell without waiting to hear my answer. I hear mumbling coming from all angles so I am guessing everyone has been listening to our conversation; footsteps and chair scrapping seem to get further away so once again I am all alone.

Been alone just to scare me but all that time in the Maze before he was saved by Guardian, wait that is it! Guardian, if anyone around this crazy place is going to be able to help me then it is him. But how can I get out of here?

I peer out through the bars to make sure no one is around before I reach my hand out through the gap closest to the lock, I really hope I have enough strength to open it right about now. The door lock quite surprisingly breaks quite easy, okay that is odd compared to the last time I attempted this; I decide to not waste anytime and exit the cage before closing the door behind me. I turn and run straight ahead into the tree line and move as quite as possible, even with the werewolf senses I know it won't be long until they track me down, but I don't exactly want to make it too easy for them.

I manage to reach the main entrance without detection, I pause before leaving to look back towards the bonfire area where everyone seemed to be gathered. Part of me wants to trust them all but right now the only people I can trust are myself and Guardian; only way this all ends is to head back to the start of everything.

I move quickly away from the main entrance and head towards the main centre of town, I decide the first stop needs to be somewhere to get supplies. I know I can't go home as Dad still has the cameras activate from my Void days, I also quickly rule out the Sheriff Station and Hospital as they will instantly just call my Dad or Melissa before I get a chance to explain.

The only logical place I can think to go would be the Vet Clinic, yes I run the same risk with Deaton calling everyone but he is normally more willing to listen to an explanation and help form a plan while providing supplies before calling anyone he deems appropriate.

"STILES!" I hear multiple voices scream in the distance and I know they have found I have broken out; I quickly start heading towards Deaton knowing time is even more shorter then I hoped for but I need to remain on cause if I have any hope of been free once more.

I manage to get there undetected, and I am relieved to see the lights on, I sneak in via the backdoor in case someone is watching the front. Saying that why would they even think I would come here? He was like fourth choice on my list of places to visit.

I move slowly through the back rooms until I pause at the main consultation room, I can hear Deaton saying goodbye to someone in the reception area before the bell dings to signal the door closing. I decide to wait for him instead of making myself know but a part of me has a feeling he knows I am already here as he flips the open sign to closed.

"I was wondering when you would arrive here, Scott already called advising you had escaped from the Safe Haven. So Stiles, of all the places you could go to hide why come here?" Deaton states turning around with a warm smile that provided me with some reassurance that I had made the correct decision even if my gut is currently screaming at me to run.

"I need your help and I kinda gathered compared to anywhere else I could go; you were most likely to hear me out and offer me the assistance I need right now." I answer honestly as Deaton steps into the room and leans his back against the counter behind him.

"I appreciate your trust in me, but I am not really sure how I can assist you, unless you have a hidden ill pet or suddenly become Supernatural." Deaton advises while slightly chuckling, I notice he is blushing also from what I had said. I am not sure why he is embarrassed; I have only spoken the truth.

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