Chapter Eighteen

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Welcome to Chapter 18, yep a proper update this time! Thank you everyone for your patience while I get this all typed up and sorted - so without anything more to say except you are all amazing, here is the next chapter - enjoy!!!

Scott POV

As we all sat down around the fire with young Thomas next to Newt, I can't help but feel like I am looking at a younger version of my friend, he seemed to be the same age as when I first met him. But the more I looked the small difference I could see; how his hair spiked more one way then the other, the way he pronounced certain words or the way he messed with his hands.

He was like a mirror duplicate of Stiles but he wasn't, he was his own person with his own family and friends who miss him as much as we miss Stiles. As I listened more to Thomas explain about his life; more things seemed to be the reserve of Stiles. Like the way Stiles has lost his Mum, Thomas has lost his Dad or the way he smells almost identical to the way Stiles did. I can't take anymore of this; I excuse myself before going to stand on the stony beach and listen to the waves crashing into land.

"So, which bit sent you over the edge? The reverse of the parents dying, the fact he is identical to our Thomas/Stiles or everything since he has arrived." Newt asks as he stands next to me looking out to see before bending down and scooping up a few stones before throwing them out to sea as far as he could.

"I think I need to with option c on that list, I am sorry for walking away. Just looking at Thomas, it is liking looking directly at Stiles as soon as we met all them years ago in the sand box. But what is even stranger is that he smells so much like him also which made me think WCKD did what Kate did to Derek all them years ago." I advise honestly knowing Newt would understand the majority of what I have said and feeling. I did notice the confused look appear on Newt's face at that point.

"Who is Kate and what did she do to Derek?" Newt asks and I wonder the best way to describe it to him without completely freaking him out or confusing him but I guess in his life that is something normal.

"That is a story for another time if I dare to even try and remember what happened." Derek states as we both turn to face him as Newt drops the stones in his hand and waves at Derek as he fully approaches us.

"Derek, what are you doing here? I thought you were running the Preserve with Peter." I state confused as to why he is here right now and not where he should be.

"I was but I had a sudden thought about the current situation and based on what I have seen and now just heard I am pretty sure I know what is happening." Derek advises and the pair of seem to perk up more at the sound of these.

"What is happening then, oh wise one?" Newt states in a serious but jokey tone and I accidently let out a snigger. The more time I send with him, the more I realise how perfect he is for Stiles.

"Very funny reptile! I think Thomas is a doppelganger for Stiles and that is why WCKD targeted him and why he reminds so much of that idiot." Derek explains and my mouth drops open, I know doppelgangers are real as me and Stiles had a discuss about them once he learnt all about them. He used to joke at how amazing it would be to meet his own one and to compare the similarities, I guess I get to do it for him.

"Derek, you do realise how insane you sound right now." Newt states and if I didn't know what I did I would agree with him but I know what he is saying is correct.

"Why would WCKD even attempt to have located him for, he has no relationship or relation with either Stiles or Thomas? What if they can't have the real one, they would just take a carbon copy of one?" I state knowing it sounds ridiculous what I am saying but knowing even a snippet of the way WCKD are thinking may work to our advantage.

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