Chapter Three

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Welcome to Chapter Three - thank you once again everyone who has read, voted and commented so far on this crossover - now this is a long chapter with a gif included so I am going to dive right in - enjoy!!!

Scott POV

As Teresa reaches me I can't seem to drown out the deafening, loud and racing heart beat coming from behind me, as I reach for her and pull her level with me I can sense her nerves but then I see her smile as her eyes connect with mine and I feel her nerves go away.

As I lift her veil a gasp comes from behind me as her eyes move from mine to look over my shoulder towards Stiles, I quickly sense a state of fear and confusion coming from the pair as they both just stare at each other.

"Thomas!" Teresa states before the sound of gasps echo from her friends and family, I had only met them a few time but I have never seen a group of people with such a close bond. But why was she calling Stiles by the name of Thomas?

"I'm sorry, I can't do this!" Stiles states before turning away from me and Teresa and takes the ring box out of his pocket before handing it to Liam and starts heading back up the aisle.

"Stiles, please wait!" I shout towards him but he doesn't stop, his head looking down towards the ground as he shuffles his feet as he moves further away.

"Thomas, please stop and let me explain." Teresa advises stepping forward, okay now I am really confused how does she know Stiles and why is she calling him Thomas for?

I start hearing more people shout his name from both sides but nothing stops him, the more we seem to shout for him the faster he seems to move until he is running and breaking through the doors into the street outside before disappearing from view. I never realised he could actually run like that, he use to always moan when we had to run.

"I need to go after him; I am sorry Teresa, but I can't lose him again." I advise before moving back down the aisle but I hear several footsteps behind me and notice that everyone including Teresa, Minho and there friends are all following me back down the aisle.

"What you think we would let you go alone to find him? Besides I am the reason he took off; I need to speak with him and clear the air." Teresa advises taking her veil off and placing that with her flowers on a chair before we all head outside.

"Come on it is not like he could have got that far is it; Bilinski has always been a slow runner. He is probably sat on a bench somewhere catching his breath." Coach states making me jump slightly as I didn't even realise he had even arrived at the wedding or was even coming.

"Sir, not to correct you but Thomas is one of our fastest runners and is very skilled in many other areas. It is not going to be an easy task to find him and convince him to come back." Minho advises as he takes off his jacket to reveal a bag flat against his back.

"Who on earth is Thomas? I thought we are looking for Stiles." Liam asks and it clicks in me what has happened and why he is reacting the way he is.

"Oh my god, it's him. Isn't it? Stiles is Thomas, that is where he has been all this time." I state mainly towards Teresa and her friends who all nod their heads to advise me that I am right in what I am guessing.

Teresa had told me about what had happened and how she met Thomas and they seemed to have this type of instant connection. I am not going to lie as she spoke about him, I started feeling jealous as it seemed as though they were more then what she was saying; when I asked her, she said they were nothing more then friends and saw each other as sibling more than anything else.

Before anything else can be said, a phone ringing breaks the silence filling the area. I look around to see whose it was until realising it was coming from my own pocket. I look down and see that it is Dad calling me, huh I didn't even see him leave.

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