Chapter Six

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Welcome to Chapter Six - I know how nice am I providing you with another update on this story already - thank you everyone once again for the lovely comments, they really do make me smile - going to dive right in as this chapter is 2k plus works again - enjoy!!!

Stiles POV

Someone really needs to stop that slow beeping sound as it is driving me more insane then I probably am already; I can't help but feel a warmth that has been missing since Newt went away. That sense of hope and belonging he gave me when he held me in his arms and would tell me everything is going to be okay.

"Damn it Thomas, wake up and look at me. Look at us all and realise that your heart is no longer broken as it once was. Please open your eyes and see that you are not alone, your family is here for you." A voice shouted at me which strangely sounded a lot like Chuck; even before I thought I was seeing his ghost, but his voice sounded so alive as I feel someone crush tightly into my side.

Maybe he is real; he was not the only one I saw that should be here anymore. Alby was there and then when the doors opened, she came sweeping down the aisle like an angel my heart exploded in my chest. Why can she be alive, when I lost him? Man that beeping was getting even more annoying as it seems to get longer but I notice as it gets longer I feel more lighter. Huh, strange!

"Stiles, my dear sweet boy, I don't know if you can hear me but if you can please know it is okay if you want to go. I know I can't be selfish and make you stay with me so if you need to go, you can go. But if there is some part of you that can hear our voices and know that there is still people here who love you dearly then you fight for me. Fight to come back to us." Dad's voice rings out from my other side as I feel him stroking my hair as he speaks; I don't want to leave him, but Mum and Newt are waiting for me and I just can't wait any longer to see them again.

"Stiles, I wish more then anything that right now I could say some magic words to fix all of this and make all the pain you are feeling go away; but I know it doesn't work that way. After Allison died, I never thought I would love someone in the same way again but then I met Teresa and she changed everything for me. I cannot even begin to imagine what you have been through, but just know I am here, I found you and I am never letting you go again so please come back to me." Scott's voice waivers more as he speaks as I can hear the emotions in his voice; I'm sorry brother but I can't stay here anymore, as this final thought runs through my head I feel like I am floating away and I don't fight it.

"Tommy! Where are you?" Newt's voice rings out from all around me, I turn in a frantic circle trying to locate him so I can run into his arms and comfort him, but I can't find him anywhere.

"Newt! Where are you? I can't find you." I scream loudly hoping if I shout loud enough, he can find me as I can't see him.

"Oh Newt, you really think he is coming to save you. We made sure he will never be able to come save you; you are too valuable for us to lose you again." A voice rings out that haunts my dreams every time I close my eyes, Rat Man!

"No! I don't believe you." Newt screams and I want to scream at him that I am right here but I know he can't here me, neither of them can.

"I thought you may say that; so, I took the curiosity of recording this for you." Janson advises projecting a video onto the screen as I watch along with Newt in horror as a van hits me and drives off; in the video I can clearly see that it is Janson driving.

"Just because you hit him doesn't mean that he is dead; you have no idea who Tommy truly is. Not like I do! He will survive this, will come and find me before kicking your arse." Newt advises and I love when his English phrases comes out when he is angry.

Stay or RunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora