Chapter Nineteen

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Welcome to Chapter 19 - thank you once again everyone who has read, voted and commented so far - going to skip a long introduction as this is over 2000 words long - so enjoy!!

Six months ago

Stiles POV


I wince against the bright light shining directly into my eyes, I know in movies and books they say in death you see this bright light and you are meant to walk towards it but did it have to blind your vision so much.

I tried to piece together past events, but I seem to be drawing a blank, okay Stiles lets not panic. Well, that is something, at least this time right now I remember my name. I also remember my family, friends and all the things that happened with Supernatural encounters, I remember joining the FBI training program but after that I am drawing a blank.

I gently sit myself up and notice I seem to be inside a tent with several other beds around, none of which seem to be occupied. What is this place? Is this some sort of training exercise?

I rise to my feet and must steady myself until the room stops spinning, once I don't feel like I am going to pass out or throw up anymore I steadily walk towards the entrance of the tent, as I walk past a discarded piece of wood, I scoop down to pick it up. It is not my normal baseball bat, but it would do for now.

As I step out, I am blinded once again by a bright sun but my eyes adjust more quickly this time and I am able to take in my surroundings, I step further forward into the open and notice on all areas I am surrounded by tall stone walls and I am trapped in the grass field all alone.

"Hello!! Is there anyone else here?" I scream as I feel my breathing pick up as I circle my body around to try and find anyone else before I drop to my knees feeling very claustrophobic in a wide-open area.

"Come on Stiles, get yourself together." I state to myself as I take several deep breathes trying to calm my racing heart as I rise once again to my feet.

Alright, so I am alone trapped in this area. First thing I need is shelter in case it rains and for night time, I guess I can use the tent in which I woke up in as my shelter. Okay next food and water, no good trying to work out how to get out of here if I am just going to starve to death. I look around and notice a large pile of stuff a short walk away from where I am.

"This is way too easy!" I mumble to myself as I slowly take steps towards the pile of stuff, I tighten my grip on the stick ready to defend myself if I need to. As I get closer, I notice this was no ordinary pile of items. There was live animals caged up, cooking supplies, food of all types, medical kit and other items.

I pick up the nearest item which was a metal bottle and stamped on the side in thick black letter is WCKD, huh what a random name for a company. I shrug off the shudder that runs down my back and start slowly and carefully moving things away from the pile.

I was down to the live animals left on the pile as I have no idea where I am going to keep them, I can't let them run free as I am kinda scared they will get hungry and eat me. I decide to explore the area I am in a bit more thankful to have a cold bottle of water with me. As I walk along, I notice a few huts a short distance away from each other and a lookout tower on the opposite side.

I climb to the top of the tower and can see everywhere within the inside of these stone walls, I notice an animal pen area on one side, a small forest on another, growing crops in another section and stream which is good news for me as they did not send a lot of water up.

As I climb back down, I can't help but feel like someone or a group of someone's have been here before, I also can't seem to shake the feeling that I have been here before. I shake the thought out of my head as that is crazy and quickly get all the animals placed away with food and water.

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