Chapter Thirteen

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Welcome to Chapter 13, wow what can I say apart from that you are all amazing!! - this crossover has just reached 2k views which is bonkers, so a massive thank you to everyone who has read, voted and commented so far - here is the new chapter, enjoy!!!

Sheriff POV

Oh I don't think my heart can take much more of this, one moment I am mourning the loss of my son and now I am holding back his fiancée while he watches him hold a gun to the back of the man's head that tortured and kidnapped him.

"Well look who we have here, you just couldn't stay away from here. Could you, Stiles?" Janson snarls as he slowly turns around to face Stiles who throws his helmet down to his side and I can't help but notice how it seems to just disappear into thin air. Alright I am definitely either over tired right now or I am hallucinating!

"Well it is like what they say, home is where your heart is and as you can see I have a massive heart waiting for me here." Stiles states looking around Janson and sending a wink towards Newt before moving back to stare Janson directly in the face.

"Oh I know all about your lovely family here and your precious Newt. What is going to stop me killing them all right now? You?" Janson states as all the WCKD soldiers around him aim their guns at us all as I raise mine towards them.

"Oh no, you know me I have been more of a planner then a man of action." Stiles states and from the stories I have heard recently about his adventures I know that is not true.

"Huh, I find that very hard to believe. He always dives in headfirst without any pre thinking beforehand." Minho states with Newt and the others nodding along with him, I take a moment to taken in my son as I feel like I am seeing him for the first time in a while.

"But not Stiles, Stiles always has a Plan A, B and C as he never trusts a Plan A. So what if right now, Janson thinks he has just Stiles in front of him but instead he has both Stiles and Thomas in front of him. The last time he saw Stiles, he had no memory of who he was before the Maze but that is not the case right now." Scott advises and I can see the logic behind his explanation but not quite sure how that helps us now.

I keep my eyes locked on Stiles as I notice his eyes start scanning all around us as though he is looking for something.

"Sorry, but where is Teresa?" Stiles asks looking confused as he spins himself in a full circle as though expecting her to be hiding somewhere, my eyes glance over to where she fell after Janson shot her before going back to Stiles.

"The Traitor, you mean? Oh, she got what all traitors deserve." Janson sniggers before pointing over to where Teresa's body was lying.

"Oh I see, may I ask how? You see I have a good bet on how you would react to this, once you realised that she is not on your side and never was." Stiles states and I am massively confused on what he is on about and why he is acting so calm right now.

"He shot her in the back! Slightly confused as to why right now, you want to know that information?" Melissa states and I am glad she asked as I was unable to gage the reaction on Stiles's face as he receives the information he was asking for.

"Wahooo!!" Stiles cheers as he fist pumps the air before starting to do a happy dance at the news, I get she betrayed him but this is a bit excessive of a reaction to finding out what happened to her.

I look at Newt who looks as just as confused as I felt, as I look around the others I notice the same confusion plastered on everyone else's face over his reaction. As I look towards Stiles, I notice that he seems to flicker as he dances as though like a picture on a screen.

Attention! Attention!! This building will self-destruct in the next fifteen minutes. Will all personnel please leave via a marked exit. All active Mazes have been deactivated.

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