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When we get back to Outer Banks we head straight to my place. I'm anxious to see if Mike showed up again.

When we pull down the driveway I see everyone sitting out on the deck. Normally I'd be so excited to show Kie my new dress but right now I don't even want to show her.

"Hey guys." JJ yells.

Rafe pulls the dress out of the back seat and follows me to the deck.

"What's that?" Kie asks.

"A dress." I say.


"Midsummers." Rafe says.

"You're going?" Kie says.

"Yes." I say. "Is that a problem?"

"No, you've always hated midsummers, just surprised you're going." She says.

"Well I have somebody to go with this year so." I say.

"Well show us the dress." Pope says.

I take the bag from Rafe and slide the zipper down. I pull out the dress and smile.

"Nice, you'll look hot in that." JJ says and Rafe shoots him a glare. He still doesn't understand that JJ will never stop saying things like that.

"Looks a little slutty for midsummers." Kie says.

"That's what I thought but Rafe liked it and it was the only one I really liked too." I say.

"It's nice Cassie." Pope says.

"It is, the color will look so pretty on you." Sarah says.

"Thank you." I grin. At least everyone else's opinion is nice.

I put the dress back in the bag and bring it inside to lay on my bed. I'm excited for midsummers, I never thought I would ever think that but Rafe makes everything so much better.

"Do you know anyone by the name Mike?" I hear Pope ask.

I rush out of the room and onto the deck.

"Mike? What about him? Was he here again?" I ask.

"Um yeah, he came by earlier." Pope says.

"Red van?" I ask.


"What did he say?"

"He just asked for you. I told him you were not home." Kie says.

"And he left? Did he say anything else?"

"Yeah he left, he didn't say anything. Who is that?"

"Mike, my parents neighbor apparently. He was here this morning, he tried to take me back to my parents house."

"Do you know him?"

"No. He only told me who he was because I told him I wasn't going with him and started to ask him questions. He said my parents told him to come here to bring me home for a visit, they are more than likely paying him so that's why he won't leave until I'm with him." I explain.

"Well you aren't going." JJ says.

"I know JJ." I say.

"Just keep an eye out for him okay?" I tell everyone.

"Yeah of course." Pope nods.

I sit down and sigh. Everyone else starts talking about other things again but I drown them out. I wish Mike would just leave, I don't want to go with him and my mind isn't going to change.

It just hits me that my mom left her phone number when she left. I jump off the chair and look for the piece of paper.

I dial the number on my phone and beg that she answers. She probably won't because she knows that by now I would have seen Mike.

"Hello?" Her voice says through the phone.

"What the hell mom." I say.

"What's wrong honey?" She asks.

"Don't play dumb mom, who the hell is Mike and why did you send him here to kidnap me?"

"Kidnap." She starts laughing. "Stop being so dramatic dear. He isn't trying to kidnap you, he's trying to bring you to your father and I."

"Against my will. Mom I don't want to come see you guys, why don't you understand that. Sending some random stranger here to grab me off the side of the road and bring me there isn't the best way to do it either."

"You're stubborn Cassie, in our minds, that was the best way to get you here." She says.

"Well it didn't work, so you can tell Mike to come on home because I'm not going with him. Hell I'll pay him myself to leave." I say.

"Cassie, will you ever listen to us?" She sighs.

"No I will not. I have to go, don't forget to tell Mike to fuck off." I say and hang up the phone.

I honestly can't believe they are my parents. They are literal psychopaths.

"Hey, what are you doing in here?" Rafe asks.

"I just called my mom, she doesn't think she's crazy for sending Mike here and I don't think she's going to tell him to leave either." I sigh.

"Don't worry, if we see him again he'll want to leave then." Rafe says.

I smile and Rafe pulls me in for a hug. I close my eyes and enjoy the hug while it lasts. Being close to Rafe makes me feel so safe, even though he's the most dangerous person I know. It's so funny how things work out, but I'll be forever grateful that he came into my life as the good person when he did.

"Try to forget about it okay? I'll always protect you." He says quietly and I smile into his chest.

"I know." I say and he pulls away.

"I love you Cassie." He says and my stomach fills with butterflies. I know it's not the first time I've heard it but he doesn't know that, and it still feels just as special.

"I love you Rafe." I smile.

Rafe leans down and plants a gentle kiss on my lips. When he pulls away he moves beside me to sit on the couch.

We both look to see Kie standing in the kitchen, watching us like something horrible just happened.

"You love each other?" She says.

Rafe and I look at each other.

"Um yeah... why?" I ask.

"Nothing." She sighs and walks out of the house again.

I turn to Rafe and he shrugs his shoulders. I don't understand Kie's issue, why is she acting like this and making it so obvious?

Toxic:  A Rafe Cameron StoryWhere stories live. Discover now