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Authors note- I know epilogues are usually short but I wanted to include as much information as possible for you guys! 

** Five years later ***

"What time will you and Rafe be here? Just trying to plan lunch." Kie asks over the phone.

"Like an hour? I'm trying to get everything packed now but Elle is making it very difficult." I sigh.

"She'll be fine when she sees her auntie Kie." Kie says.

"More like uncle JJ. I think she likes him more than me." I say.

"She does have quite the thing for my man. Maybe I will wear my sexy bikini today." She jokes and I chuckle.

"Anyway, I'll see you soon." I say and hang up the phone.

I turn around to see Elle ripping everything out of my bag I just packed to bring to Kie's place.

"Ella." I sigh. "You're being very difficult for momma today."

"Ella. Are you hurting moms feeling?" Rafe says as he enters the room.

"Can you please entertain her while I pack this bag, again?" I huff.

Rafe reaches down and lifts Ella off the bed. She giggles when he glides his fingers over her belly.

"You can change her into a bathing suit. Make sure to put sunscreen all over after." I say.

"I know baby. I've brought her out in the sun before." Rafe says with a playful smirk.

"I know. I just don't want her to get burned. The sun is too powerful here."

"Relax. She will be fine. You re-apply every five minutes anyway."

"Have you talked to Pope lately? Is he here yet?" I ask.

Pope moved about an hour away last year. He met and fell in love with Erin last year while doing a work term. She quickly snatched him from us, but we are all happy that he's happy, he deserves it.

"Yeah, he should be here by the time we get to JJ's. Same with Sarah and John B."

"Good. I'm excited to see them." I say and Rafe nods.

Within the last couple of years, Rafe has changed a lot. Yes, he still has his "bad boy" attitude and temper sometimes but he usually takes that out on me in the bedroom...

He changed in good ways though, he sees my friends as his family now too and that's the best thing I could have asked for. He's polite, kind and caring around almost everybody, which comes as a surprise to people who haven't seen him in a long time.

"Can you make sure everything is in the diaper bag?" I ask.

"On my way to do that now," Rafe says. He leaves the room and I open my closet door to get myself changed and ready for the day.

I stop and admire my wedding dress hanging there in the back. I smile every time I walk into this closet and see it. I'm reminded of one of the best days I've experienced in life so far.


I throw my bag down on the couch and huff as I storm through the kitchen. My boss is the biggest jerk, every day he tries to torture me more than the day before.

"Rafe!" I call. The rover is parked in the driveway so I know he's here, but I don't hear a sound in this house.

"Are you here?" I yell again.

I sigh when silence is the only thing I hear. It's Friday so maybe he decided to walk to get the pizza instead of having it delivered tonight.

I decide to head out to the patio to wait for him because I know we will be eating out here. I text him on my way to the glass doors leading outside to tell him that I'm home and I'm going to need extra wine tonight.

Toxic:  A Rafe Cameron StoryWhere stories live. Discover now