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There's a question at the end of the chapter to be answered by everyone!

After a few hours of drinking the guys decided to go to their own places to give me some time to relax and rest. After all the good sleep I had, I am still exhausted.

"Please tell me everything." Kie says when we sit on the couch.

"Well, it wasn't the worst thing that has happened to me. Mom and I had a nice talk for once and it made me feel that I can have a relationship with them again." I say.

"Really? I would have never thought."

"Yeah, I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I am willing to call them every now and then but I won't be visiting or inviting them here very often." I say.

"Wow." She says.

"Yeah, it's a messy situation but I am kind of glad it happened. They are crazy but I think they are still good people. They regret leaving, I could tell because when I went up to the room they had for me, the closet and drawers were filled with new clothes."

"That's nice then. Maybe they just wanted you back so bad they didn't know how to react so they just went a little crazy." Kie shrugs.

"Yeah. They gave us five hundred dollars." I say.

"Oh my god, really?"

"Yeah, we really needed that." I nod.

"We can finally fix this place up." Kie smiles, looking around the house.

"Yeah." I say quietly. All I can think about is Rafe mentioning moving into a place together. Kie is going to freak if we go ahead with it.

"I don't even know which part of the house we should do first." She says.

"We can figure that out another day." I say, wanting her to change the topic.

We sit in silence for a few moments and I try to think about what Rafe is doing at home. In the past, whenever he said he had something to do, it meant meet up with some random girl. I try to tell myself that I know he's not doing that but my mind keeps fighting.

"How come Rafe went home?" Kie asks.

"I'm not sure, he just said he had stuff to do." I shrug.

"The good old excuse." She mutters.

"What do you mean?"

"He used to say that to me a lot when he went out with other people."

"Oh." I say.

"But I'm sure that's not the case." She says.

"I don't think so either." I say. "I'm not worried or anything."

I lean back on the couch and we both sit in silence again. The silence kills me, so I decide to just go to bed.

"Goodnight." I say before shutting my bedroom door.

"Night." Kie says.

I quickly change into pajamas and crawl into bed. My eyes are super heavy, so I should not have much trouble actually getting to sleep.

I hesitate before texting Rafe to let him know I'm going to sleep, mostly to see if he responds fast.

I stare at my phone on the dresser waiting for the screen to light up, but I end up falling asleep before any action happens.


I wake up the next morning feeling more refreshed than I thought I would. I immediately check my phone to see that Rafe texted me at one o'clock this morning to say goodnight.

Toxic:  A Rafe Cameron StoryWhere stories live. Discover now