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11th Oct, 2021



"Ask her yourself, why did she marry you?"

The man challenged Yazan, frightening him as he swallowed a lump in his throat and fearfully travelled his gaze to Sayba.


His voice low and afraid of her answer, whispered as tears glistened in the rivers of his orbs.

"I was a..afraid."
She said, with no guilt in her voice as if not pitying Yazan's heartbreak.

"Were..you wai..ting for...him?"
He managed to ask in a clear voice.

"I..don't know.."

"Weren't you?
Then why didn't you complain of me?
You could have managed to get me to hell along with my father and brothers, why didn't you?"

Yazan waited for Sayba's answer that the man questioned. But seems like her silence wants to prove what Yazan fears.

"Did..you..like..love him, Sayb..aa?"

"Why don't you tell him about our plans, Sayba? You promised to wait for me.
But you only agreed to marry him so that he frees you from your deemed life."

Yazan's eyes showered his cheeks with unstoppable flowing water as keeping his gaze on Sayba who's saying nothing to please his sick heart.



"Believe me Yazan that's not the reason I married you...I wasn't waiting for him.. believe me."

Sayba wailed with her heart getting hammered by his cold gaze at her, as if none of her confessions earn his belief.

"I used him Yazan...I needed someone by me...I just..used him."

"Like you used me, you needed someone to shield you and you used me."

Yazan shouted to her, silencing her as she watched him blank.

Along with her valid explanations he ignored all her sobs and hiccups for she did the worst of what he hates, she shared his rights on her with someone else, be it in the past but she did!

"I did..when you asked to act to be your wife, not when you asked really to be yours..."

She begged him for a chance, but his ego proved that there's no validity of his belief for her anymore.

"Why does bygone matter? Why do you behave like I cheated you?"


Both of them woke up afraid to their nightmares at the same time, searching for fresh air to breathe in but as if they're caged in somewhere wild to even exhale out.

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