(67) Best Friends VLive

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  So so many hearts bounce around the screen, the two figures the device recorded laughing and screaming their heads off as they continuously argued over which of them new each other better. Fiddling with the strings of her hoodie she stared at the phone then at the staff behind it and chuckled in disbelief. "wow. WOW!" was all she could utter as Yunho all but threw his upper half on to the table in front of them in a fit of laughter. Jae was really in shock at the fact that her own best friend had already missed three of her questions while she had missed none. She knew his favorite snack, his current favorite song and even remembered what he told her he had for breakfast! While Yunho on the other hand blanked on what her favorite movie was, what video game she had recently gotten into and what she had for breakfast. "Can I have another try?" scrunching her nose up at the thought of giving him another chance to redeem himself she nodded her head yes before pretending to think of something to ask him, "There can be three different answers to this so if you get one right I will accept your answer ok? Who is my favorite anime character?"

He knew this. He remembers sitting next to her on the couch as she watched a few episodes of different anime to be honest...ah...what else does he remember? He remembers her talking about a guy named Mikey but he doesn't think that's right, is it? no! He knows she couldn't pick a favorite from Jujutsu Kaisen... Wait! He remembers one now! "From the volleyball one! You said he had a twin!" nodding her head and clapping her hands excitedly she encouraged him to try to put a name to to the memory of the man. Matching her excitement he jumped up and to her surprise called out the name, "Atsumu!" causing Jae to jump up with him to confirm that his answer was indeed correct! "You got one right!" she shouted, watching as he celebrated by picking her up in a hug and then setting her down and rushing out of the room to gloat to the other members about his accomplishment. Sitting back down in her chair she reached for the second phone to catch up a bit with ATINY until Yunho decided to come back, "So this is what it's like to have Yunho as a best friend? I mean, yeah. Having him as a best friend is hard to put into words on the spot..."

He's always been there, when she was at her worst he was always hesitant to leave her side, proud of her no matter what she did and never failing to praise her for her efforts. "I know everyone has already heard the story of how we became best friends so I won't bore you with that." Thinking back on it Jae can't help but smile and remember the words they shared back on that day, they hadn't even debuted yet they both knew that if all else fails they still had each other.

No matter what, I promise.

"You're a real sap, you know? I leave the room for less than five minutes and you're trying to make ATINY cry." He really was unbelievable at times. The sound of the chair scooting out and then back in echoed through out the room signaling that he had sat back down. "I wasn't making them cry...they asked and you're my best friend and nobody can ever earn that title, it's already yours." Yunho raised an eyebrow clearly amused by her words before Jae gave a sigh, "Gosh you're right. I am a sap." Scoffing to himself Yunho pulled Jae closer to him by the edge of her chair, taking her by surprise, and hugged her as best as he could from the side.

He wouldn't dare say it while live or maybe ever to her face but he did love his best friend, he loved her during her sappy moments, during her worst and during her best. They've both had their share of decent friends, good friends even! Not many stood out the way they did to each other though, they were rare gems, you might say they were the right kind of treasure to keep in your chest.

"The twin I like is Osamu..."

Silence continued to fill the room before Yunho spoke once more, "The one who can cook?"

(Hai hai! It's been a good while hasn't it? I've missed you all, but uh I think it's time we get back on track here, shall we?)

𝑴𝒚 𝑾𝒂𝒚; ATEEZ 9thTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon