(29) Birthday VLive

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   "It's not my birthday yet, but thank you!", taking a sip of her water Jae leaned closer to get a better look at the comments spilling in. A bit surprised at the amount of viewers already attending the live since it was a bit late she just assumed ATINY had stayed up and waited to see if she was going to make an appearance. "Are you not spending your birthday with the boys? Ah... Sannie is upset with me because I chose to spend my birthday with ATINY rather than carrying out our tradition of watching movies and playing games until midnight like him and I do on his birthday." Jae couldn't help but giggle at the fact that her decision to go live and celebrate her birthday with ATINY ended up being the cause of a pouty San while the other boys didn't make a big deal out of it knowing they had plenty of time to wish her a happy birthday.

"Sannie is very special to me and we've spent our last couple of birthdays together so missing one won't hurt him will it?" Eyes quickly scanning over the comments she jumped a bit at the unexpected yet familiar voice that came from the other side of her door, "It will!", her eyes widened at the sudden outburst before she let her head fall into her hands no able to control her laughter. "Yes, that was Wooyoung! He can be quite funny sometimes. I wonder if he's watching. Are you, Bug? Maybe he was just passing by." Shrugging her shoulders at the thought she looked over at the digital clock on the desk in the corner of the room and read the time.

11:15pm. Time seemed to go by a lot slower when you were waiting for something like your birthday, Halloween, or Christmas and as much as it sucks when it's your birthday that you're waiting on it does make you think about everything you've done in and with your life.

She was grateful for everything to be honest. She had the best fans, the best group members, the best grandparents to support her, and she just couldn't believe how well everything seemed to be going and the year wasn't even over. Sighing to herself she looked behind her and grabbed the one thing that reminded her of home, Gojo, her Stray Dog plushie, "You know Gojo, right? Gojo knows ATINY, huh?" Making the stuffed animal nod it's head she laughed at her childishness now feeling a bit awkward while not knowing what to say. Placing the small plushie on to her lap she thought of what to say... there were many things to talk about almost too many too decide from. "Have any of the members given me a gift? Um...", thinking over the last couple of days she didn't remember receiving anything from them, but she was told by one of the boys that there would be a present for her on her birthday, "I haven't received anything yet, but Yeosang told me that he had already wrapped his and hid it from me in case I got curious." Smiling at the thought and generosity of the boy she shook her head knowing fully well  that none of them listened when she said she didn't need gifts for her birthday... again. "As for the others I don't know 'cause I told them I don't need gifts but they don't like to listen to me when it comes to this stuff!"

Throwing her arms up in mock disbelief she heard a knock on the door before it was thrown open revealing all eight boys who looked a little too happy for comfort. "Yah! What are yo-", her words were cut off by the sound of them shouting and singing to wish her a happy birthday. Her eyes widen in surprise and then horror as she looked at the digital clock, once again, that now read 12:00am before looking back at the boys only to see Mingi run forward and jump on her bed proceeding to bounce up and down ushering the other boys to do the same which only San did. Looking at the phone she blinked a few times her expression unreadable causing the others to laugh. Letting out a loud, "Happy Birthday!", Yunho wasted no time in hugging her tightly only to knock her over and lay on top of her feeling completely content with his best friend. Despite the unexpected attack she hugged him back and thanked him before raising her hand towards the phone reaching towards it as if she were asking for help, which she playfully was, until he sat up and allowed her to do the same.

Quickly turning around and hugging the two boys who had ceased their jumping and then the other six carefully taking the cake from the oldest and setting on the table where the phone was set up Jae was sort of speechless really not expecting the boys to burst through the door ready for her birthday with a cake in hand. She knew that if she started to cry there was a chance they would tease her, but that might have been a chance that she was willing to take. Taking her place back on the bed she looked down and laughed a bit feeling the tears brimming, "Thank you for all of the birthday wishes- all of you.", she finished off while motioning towards the phone and then the boys around her. Hearing the boys break out into aw's she groaned and quickly hid her face at the feeling of Hongjoong pinching her cheek. So much for the tears. Swatting his hand away uncovered her face and ran a hand through her hair noticing that parts of her cake were missing and since they weren't before she immediately glanced around the room eyes landing on San who quickly put the piece into his mouth then hugged her shoulders from behind. "Ah- forget it!". Taking a piece of the cake she placed it into her mouth and then opened her arms towards the rest of the boys watching with nothing but happiness in her yes as they crowded around and hugged each other tight.

It was at that moment that Jae realized this was how it was going to be from now on. They would have to spend every birthday with her and she would have to do the same with them and to be honest? She wouldn't have it any other way.

((Today is the last day of dailies! I truly do hope you enjoyed this as much as I did and thank to everyone who read, voted, or commented. It means the world to me! 💞))

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