(9) Jaejoong Ship Moment

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Hongjoong: VLive

Throwing her head back her body shook with laughter at Hongjoong's comment. Covering her mouth to muffle her laughter she shook her head at his obvious attempt to cover up the fact that he had completely missed his mouth when feeding himself the food that she had brought him. Leaning forward quickly to see the comments only made her laugh even harder than before. "I didn't mean for that to happen! It was an accident!" He tried to explain through his unlabored breathing from laughing far too much. Once their composure was gathered they continued on with their conversation, often getting lost, deep into the discussion until recalling that they weren't technically alone. Once again checking the comments by scrolling through them, a small smile graced her face upon seeing a few asking if she were there to work with him or if she were just visiting to bring him food and eat with him. Going on to give an explanation for her attendance, what occurred before the live had been turned on was revealed.
Not quite happy with being told that Hongjoong had locked himself away with work, Jae took it upon herself to bring him his favorite food and check on him to make sure he was at least resting and not pushing himself way too hard. Walking through the familiar hallway her eyes scanned over the pictures she'd seen far too many times to count before coming to a stop at the door she'd grown accustomed to seeing almost every day. She could here his voice beyond the door, muffled yet well known. Understanding that he was most likely too invested in what was on the other side of the door she twisted the handle as best she could with the bags in her hands and entered the room. The chair swung around at the sound of the door unveiling a beaming Hongjoong who was quick to jump up and take the food and drink from her hands. "ATINY! Jae is here!"
Closing the now empty container then tossing it into the trash bin, watching as he did the same with his, Jae stood and smiled feeling content knowing that she had accomplished her main goal of the day. Squeaky wheels rolled across the floor followed by his soft laughter and voice , "Are you leaving now?" Yep. Completely oblivious towards her previous intentions. "Yeah, I have to get back before I end up no longer having a bed to myself...so I should go. I enjoyed the time though!" Eyes widening in realization she hurried forward towards the phone waving her hand, "Bye, ATINY! I love you and I'll see you very soon!" Glancing towards Hongjoong to say goodbye to him as well she found him already working away on one of the songs, a comfortable silence hanging in the air for a moment. She often felt inspired when he was immersed in his work. In these moments, his dedication and hard work really is truly exceptional. She felt her heart swell with happiness and couldn't help but throw her arms around him giving him a tight yet gentle squeeze before pulling away and finally leaving with one last enthusiast wave to ATINY.


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