(23) Nicknames

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Hongjoong: Second Leader

He sometimes jokes around and says that if he weren't the leader of ATEEZ Jae would be because she's the only other one who can handle the boys as well as he does. He says it and honestly it does fit her considering she does have several leader like qualities but deep down they both know of the real meaning behind the nickname. ATINY found out about the nickname not from Hongjoong, but from Wooyoung and San as they laughed and spoke about not having seen their Second Leader all day only for her to show up with their actual leader. The nickname is seen as nothing more than a joke to even those in the group but to Jae it means something so much more and she takes pride in the nickname knowing what could've been could never have been as great as what she has now. 

Seonghwa: Dove

Seonghwa is known as Mars, Toothless, and lastly, the nickname that started it all, Angry Bird. Jae has a strange sense of humor and that hasn't gone unnoticed by anyone. She's the type of person that can tell a joke and think it's the funniest thing in the world but if someone else tells a joke it takes her a minute and a half to understand it. But when she heard that Seonghwa resembled an Angry Bird? She absolutely lost it. After some time it just became a regular thing that Jae would call him and in return he gave her the nickname Dove since the bird is unique being pure white and represents peace while he sees her as a girl with a pure heart that's overloaded with kindness, love, and care.

Yunho: Best Friend/Kitten

NO! NO! AND NO! Get your mind out of the gutter this instant! He does not call her Kitten in a sexual way. He calls her that because most people say that he resembles a puppy and if he's a puppy then she is a kitten because they're complete opposites yet they get along oh so well. As best friends they both feel the need to know their limits when it comes to being around each other because they have no choice but to see each other every day and they don't want to end up getting annoyed with one another. When she wants attention he's always happy to give it! When he wants attention? It seems as though he only wants attention at the most random of times like when she's trying to sleep or clean her room which ends up with him giving puppy eyes and her keeping her glare sharp and catlike. She does end up giving him the attention he needs though, I mean, who wouldn't?

Yeosang: Beautiful

Yeosang kept it simple and plain as day when it came to the nickname he gave Jae and it went really well with the one she gave him. To her he was handsome and to him she was Beautiful which just seemed fitting to him considering he believed she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. It wasn't something they spent long thinking about it was more just natural! Like, one day she called out the name Handsome with him being the only one in the room and he answered her as if she had been calling him that for years. He doesn't often call her beautiful in front of the others, and it's not because he's embarrassed or anything the one time he did let out the nickname beautiful it wasn't Jae who answered...it was non-other than Jung Wooyoung.

San: Flower

San has many nicknames for Jae and it's almost too many to count or even remember while she only has one for him; Sunshine. There was the time where he called her his one's promised and hearts desire which resulted in him getting smacked with a pillow because she got nervous and didn't know how to respond. There was also the time where he thought the nickname Sugar-Lips was a good idea and when she told him that they've never kissed before he made this weird face and gave a mischievous giggle which made her lock herself in her room for what felt like forever. Finally one day as they laid there in her room going over some of his English his voice broke through the silence in the air with a simple, "Flower" and it stuck.

Mingi: Firecracker

There are times where Mingi just can't help himself and feels the need to remind Jae that they very much do have a visible height difference. Once during an interview they asked who gets angry the easiest and their second answer was Jae when it comes to her height. Yes, she can take a joke but sometimes they can get annoying and Mingi clearly had no problem with sharing that feisty Jae was something he loved to handle. To him she might be small, but has a lot of spark so when she starts to get a bit agitated and the tips of her ears catch the tinge of red that traveled from her cheeks that blossomed with fire that's when he brings out the nickname; Firecracker... Now he has to run if he wants to survive the night.

Wooyoung: JJ

Wooyoung is a simple person who isn't going to take the time to think of a well thought out and perfect nickname for anybody even if it's Jae and that's saying a lot considering she is one of his favorite people. She does have quite a few for the younger boy such as Bambi, Doll Face, and even Bug because of how much he bugs her for affection when she has something to do, and yes she does sometimes drop whatever she's doing to show him love! She can't help it and there were times where she even suggested a few nicknames for herself since he claimed he was too lazy to think of some yet he shot them all down claiming they just didn't fit. As said before he's a simple person and he chose the simplest nickname of them all which most people didn't really have to guess to know that when Wooyoung says JJ he means Jae... it's not rocket science but clearly it just might be since Hongjoong had, and still has, no clue who he was talking about.

Jongho: Apple

ATINY weren't sure about this nickname when it began because they weren't even sure if it was a nickname or if he was asking for apples. Many believe that they don't get along when honestly they do, she's just a bit more affectionate with him because he's a walking uwu, (don't mind me just kind of dropping BIG UWUS for the maknae over here) she's the reason he found out about his strength involved talent. They only found out about the nickname being official when during a VLive he was having with Wooyoung where he was asked who Apple was having mentioned them a couple of times and ATINY wanted in one the code name. He simply explain that since she was the one who just HAD to be the one to hand him the apples to split it was just fitting for the older girl.

(( Hello, my lovelies! The countdown to the 29th is here! Did you miss me? Did you miss the updates? ARE YOU READY TO LAUGH, CRY, AND FEEL YOUR HEART DO A FLIP IN YOUR CHEST FROM THE FLUFF?! ARE YOU READY FOR DAILIES?!))

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