(24) JaeSan Ship Moment

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San: Log_logbook#15

It was early. Too early. Well...too early for Jae anyways. All she wanted to do was get a few more minutes of sleep in, but sadly that was not possible and she knew it the moment Seonghwa had woken her up to explain that it was time to start the day.

The voices and laughter coming from a few of her fellow members seemed to ease her out of her drowsiness. Pushing herself to the edge of the bed she slid off the side landing on the cool hard floor fully aware of the set of eyes that observed her with amusement from the doorway. Her eyes scanned over the blonde haired boy, "Is there a reason you're wat-" Cutting herself off abruptly her eyes shut tightly from the sudden flash of the camera she hadn't noticed he had with him. Jae opened her eyes just in time to see Wooyoung retreat out of the room knowing that if he stayed he'd have to fight off her early morning wrath. Shaking her head lightly at his actions she let out a soft sigh then pulled her suitcase closer towards her self.

She never understood how some of the boys could wake up and act as if they hadn't just been asleep for hours.

Footsteps sounded in the hallway getting closer and closer, a familiar voice sounding clear as day, "Can I film you?" Giving a sound of affirmation as she folded a few shirts, she looked up eyes meeting those of the hoodie wearing brunette holding a camera. Sitting himself across from her, Yeosang watched her carefully through the camera, "What all are you packing?" He questioned while zooming in on the stuffed animal that sat comfortably in her lap. Lifting up a bag, she had set to the side, for the camera to see she had packed a few of her favorite hair accessories which mainly included headbands and barrettes.

She showed a few of the other things she was bringing along like her lucky shirt, skin care products, and whatever else she felt was a necessity to have for what she deemed an adventure, Jae heard her name being called by an unmistakable somnolent voice.

The boy continued to call out to her until she finally bid farewell to the camera and followed the voice into a room where the source of the name calling had himself hidden under a fluffy white blanket. Small pieces of red and black could be seen from under the blanket as she reached forward and tugged it down a bit causing him to turn away from his precious Shiber and acknowledge the fact that she actually came when he called.

"Have you packed yet?", her query was answered with a slight shake off the head, his eyes seeming to flutter almost as if he was falling back asleep as they spoke which earned him another question, "Are you being lazy, Sunshine?". Reaching forward she ran her hand through his hair before delicately letting it glide down to his cheek allowing him to nod his head yes and lean into her touch. Even though she shook her head in amusement at his choice to stay in bed she couldn't help but climb on to the top bunk and place herself under the covers next to him when he scooted himself over and offered her the awfully comfortable looking spot next to him.

San's hands moved around her middle, warm and soft. His arms wrapped around her bring a peace she'd never really felt until she had met San she assumed the feeling was nothing really, but the more he "joked" about being soulmates the more she started to believe that there was a chance they really could be. She thought it was silly... the way he made her believe that there were still kind people in the world, the way he made her feel as though she had nothing to fear, that there was a chance, a promise, of happiness in her life despite everything that ever goes wrong or brings her even the tiniest bit of sadness. Her arms wrap around his torso hugging him close hopping that he felt for her every wave of emotion she felt when with him.

"While Hongjoong and I are packing, San and Jae are...", with sleepy eyes they watched as he focused the camera more on them, "I slept and I woke up then I called for Jae and now she's here." His response was low and muffled as he reached around for Shiber then placed his head onto Jae's shoulder nudging her head to the side a bit so that he could nestle into the curve of her neck. Her cheeks tinged with red at his sudden act of affection in front of the older boy who only gave a small smirk knowing that San enjoyed his alone time with Jae since the other boys did often steal her away in need of help or attention. "You need to pack quickly, we're leaving very soon so Jae you know what to do." Her eyebrows furrowed at the thought.

She knew what to do? She could feel his eyes on her wondering what she had planned when honestly she had no ideas to even begin with so instead she went with the first thing that popped into her head that she thought might work. Alas, her first attempt failed as well as the ones after that so in the end she eventually settled on promising him that if he got up and packed she would continue to lay with him when he was done and even get him the ice cream that he somehow woke up craving, he could be such a child sometimes, but she loved him nonetheless. Following the small struggle of escaping his grasp Jae received a thank you from Hongjoong as she left the room knowing that without her San would've probably laid in his bed another five or ten minutes given the chance... which he did.

Hearing his melodic voice bounce off of the many walls in the dorm Jae rolled her eyes realizing that San must have just gotten himself up and out of his bed. Moments later a camera along with the still tired boy appeared next to her lacing his fingers with her own she tried not to let the smile slip passed her lips as he whined with a pout about the promise of ice cream if he left the comfort of his warm bed. Glancing back and forth between him and the camera she gave a defeated sigh before pulling him into the kitchen wanting to keep her word and at least fulfill one half of her promise sensing that the other half would be desired rather soon.

((DAY TWO OF DAILIES! Is everyone enjoying it so far? Did you like this chapter? And most importantly do you have a favorite ship so far?))

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