(49) A Little Jealousy!

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She knows exactly how she ended up in this situation. They said they would love for her to make some friends so she wouldn't feel so...so alone? No, that's not it. She didn't feel alone. Never. It was so she wouldn't be like she was limited to just them. Jae was confused about everything and didn't understand why her boys were all suddenly acting so off. Jae slumped down on the couch in the living room, her brows creased and face tense as she waited for an explanation. To be truthful she didn't need one! She just wanted to hear them confirm what she already knew. They had watched the live.

The three boys had been having a great time and apparently so had STAY since they truly did get a kick out of the horse mask that made its appearance thanks to Han. Only one of them knew she was coming and he planned it out so that he could surprise not only his members, but STAY as well. He figured it was the last episode of Chan's Room so why not go out with a special guest that not even the host of the show knows about! Truthfully she felt a bit nervous about the whole idea but she couldn't turn back now. Not when she could hear their laughter on the other side of the door. Doing as he explained before she sent a quick text and waited for him to call her into the room. With the sound of a voice telling her to, "Come in", she entered the room and was met with wide eyes from all but one boy, Changbin. Feeling herself start to freeze up she swiftly bowed and greeted them. Watching as they all stood for her and bowed as well while announcing with excitement to STAYs who had just walked through that very door. She couldn't help but sense the noticeable nervousness that lingered in the room, "Surprise?", she offered with a stifled giggle, "Surprise!", Changbin mimicked while opening his arms to claim his hug from Jae. Hugging the other two boys as well they immediately made room for her and gave her a chair in between Chan and Jisung since apparently Changbin always gets to be next to her and spends more time with her as it is...or at least that's what Jisung said rather quickly while Chan and Jae giggles to themselves as they watched the two boys bicker back and forth for a moment over the seating arrangement.

"STAY? Is that correct?", watching as the boys nodded to show she was correct she smiled happily, "STAYs are very nice to ATINY and it really does mean a lot to me and the others in the group. They seem to get along and interact very well with each other and that makes me very happy. So STAY! ...I love you!", putting up two finger hearts towards the screen 'causing the boys to laugh and mimic her actions, she couldn't help but laugh with them.

Listening to the song she couldn't help but smile as the voices seemed to swirl in the air. The lyrics and vocals were amazing, but that was no surprise to her because she knew everyone in their group was seriously talented. They've shown and proved it. She was glad to praise them on their work even as they all jumped in their seats excitedly to the original version of double knot...

Even while Chan and her leaned into each other while laughing their asses off at the fact that Jisung had put the horse mask back on and was basically going crazy next to her. Finally getting a chance to breathe when the chaos had died down and the mask was off she began to clap more for the song instead of the crazy antics. "A lot of people are requesting the same song.", Jae commented after having leaned forward to see some of the other song request since the last one was now done and over with. Earning a laugh from the oldest in the room she looked his way and tilted her head to the side a bit confused, "Why? Why?", feeling a bit confused from his laughter she glanced towards the other two rather quickly hoping for an explanation. "It's almost time to wrap up, but we will play one more song!", she simply nodded along, "We should pick between two. Let's pick what STAY wants. If you guys want to hear Zone then please write Zone in the comments. If you want to see us listen to WOW, then you see that WOW emoticon? You know that wow emoji? I want you to spam that. Let's see who wins... What are you two doing?", his head snapped back and forth between Changbin and Jae clearly confused yet smiling at how they acted as if they had been caught doing something bad, "He started it!", she accused while pointing a finger in his direction. With wide eyes he cracked a small smile he placed his hand on his chest, "Me?! You started it!", laughing a bit in disbelief when Jae stuck her tongue out at him Changbin was going to continue the back and forth between the two until Jisung spoke up, "WOW is winning.", everyone paused and looked at the screen. "Ok, upon the request of STAY, today's- it's hard to listen to! 3RACHA's WOW! Aaaah and Jae is here...why?!", blinking a few times in confusion as why they seemed so stressed over here being here for this song she simply shrugged her shoulders and motioned for them to start the song.

Eyes wide as they started acting through out the beginning of the song, along with the horse mask making its final appearance, she felt like she was watching a play but she was on stage as well? When Jisung turned towards her and began to rap his part? She lost it. Curling up into her chair and hiding her face, laughter rumbled from her chest. Hearing the other boys shouting from second hand embarrassment she felt herself being hugged before hearing Chan playfully yell an apology on the younger boys behalf. The sound of Changbin screaming then claiming that he doesn't want I hear it again flows through her ears before the music is paused and the played again, "Why are you guys doing this?", she playfully asked while peaking out of her hands to see Chan and Jisung dancing to tease Changbin.

She had been there for almost an hour and to be honest she was having a lot more fun than she thought she was going to. When Changbin brought up the idea of her coming over to surprise them she immediately thought it was going to be an awkward time spent with all of them having forced conversations, but that's now what it was like at all. It was comfortable and the conversations flowed among the four of them as if they had known each other for years! But now it was time to leave and she had to admit the thought of not being able to hang out again with the for a long while brought a feeling of sadness to her heart. She thanked the boys for having her and treating her so well, she stood and bowed to their fans for doing the same, and before she left she hugged each of them tightly. Chan first, since he was the first to open his arms towards her, his hug was an exchange of pure joy between the two. He had mentioned having her on the his little show before and the fact that she had even bothered to show up and surprised them? It meant the world. Second was Changbin, his hug which was more rough and playful didn't surprise her, he always pulled her in quick and close before swaying back and forth a bit. Lastly was Jisung. The one who seemed to make her laugh and smile constantly through out the entire time she was there. His hug was different, it was the hug of gentle arms that closed around you yet some how still give you space to breathe? It was a nice feeling even if it was a bit foreign. Bowing to the boys and thanking them once more she disappeared behind closed doors and began to head home.

Leading her to the situation she was in now. An amused look on her face as she stood from her place on the couch she stood to explain herself even though she really didn't have to. She knew they were a bit jealous because she seemed to be having fun with other guys. It wasn't the fact that she was having fun with other guys, oh no, it was more that she was having fun with a few members from another group and they didn't want to lose her. "I know you guys are upset and I can't say that I didn't hurt you in some way because I have no right to choose whether I hurt you or not. Those are your feelings not mine.", watching as the boys nodded along to her words she continued, "So I do apologize if I hurt you, but please know that there is no getting rid of me that easily. I mean, yeah, I liked hanging out with them, but they aren't my boys.", rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet she went to speak up again, but the maknae beat her to it. "That was the cheesiest thing I've ever heard you say.", her mouth dropped open in shock causing a few of the boys to snicker and Jongho to smile.

Earning a content sigh from Hongjoong as he plopped down on to the couch with a mumble of, "Nice to finally have her back.", as Jae yelled jokingly at all of them about how this is why she's never nice and why Changbin liked her more that Wooyoung. Not relevant to the argument, but hey! Anything to tease Wooyoung about her friendship with one of his friends.

(I feel like this is absolute crap and could've been way better. I'm soooo sorry.)

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