(16) YunJae Ship Moment

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Yunho: WANTED 6 & 7


The sound of the rain lulled her in and out of her sleep like state in the silent guest house, the hushed breathing coming from the members scattered around the room edged her further back into her slumber. Once again the sweet bliss of sleep was swiftly pried out of her grasps upon the voices coming from across the room. Groaning to herself she tossed and turned, for what could've been the thousandth time within the last ten minutes, earning a poke to her side from the messy haired boy laying adjacent to her. Her brows pulled together, eyes squinted, attempting to see Yunho in the room dimly lit by the cloud covered sun beyond the windows. Retaliating quite quickly she tried to poke his side in return but was met with his hand grabbing her wrist resulting in what looked like a giggly slapping fight between the two from the cameras point of view.

   Heads turned towards the direction of where an alarms song blared from the other side of the patterned walls. Rising to their feet, her wrist still in his hand, they swiftly maneuvered their way around the others to follow Yeosang outside and into the wet and bleak weather. Pulling Yunho's arm into her embrace, as if she could somehow steal his warmth from the sweater he had on, her eyes followed everyone else's to the door watching as Mingi finally made his way outside with the rest of them. Hearing the straightforward instructions to clean up the room inside because the weather had decide to partake in their other plans, Jae quickly nodded her head and followed the others inside.


A cheerful "Good morning!" resonated from the black and red haired boy resulting in the rest of the boys to begin their own individual greeting and conversations before being interrupted by their group leader asking what they needed to do. The last mission that they needed to complete was the quest of patience, testing for composure...which to be fair she had a lot of patience and she did very well when it came to keeping her composure, but not when it came to music... The rules were simple! The members must keep their composure not moving their body or keeping the beat of whichever song they played for them. Failure is allowed only up to four members! If anymore they've failed the quest.

She knew this was going to be a difficult task, and not just for herself but for the boys as well, so she'd do her best to stay strong. Taking her place between Mingi and Jongho on the edge of the buildings porch like entrance hall, Jae's lips pressed together pulling them into a thin line. Her gaze kept straight ahead as a way to keep herself focused on anything other than the music, jumping slightly at the comical yell of torture from Mingi, "It just started and the song wasn't even that difficult!". Her comment was met with a few nods of agreement just as they were informed that the next song would play. Eyes wide at the familiar track, Alligator by Monsta X, her head snapped towards the maknae of the group already seeing that the struggle to keep still just might get the best of him. To her surprise it wasn't the maknae who gave in it was the oldest of them all, Seonghwa. Whining in his direction she couldn't help, but let out a laugh at the small dance he did to the beat of the catchy song.

First Seonghwa and then Mingi... She knew her best friend was tempted to join the two dancing to the rather popular rookie girl group song so she did her best to keep him focused by looping her arm with his. Smiling up at him she actually thought she was doing a good job! Up until he swiftly pulled his arm away from hers and stood up to dance with the other two. The look of shock and betrayal on her face was something the editors made sure to get a good view of. With three of them already having failed the quest they needed two more to completely fail the question and they were almost done, she was sure of it. The familiar tune of their own song rang in her ears making her breath hitch for a moment suggesting to herself that this might be it for her. Her actions didn't go unnoticed by San, who held Wooyoung's hand for support, "Jae, stay strong!" His dimpled smile was almost enough to convince herself that she could do this, but for Yunho that was enough to know that she could be broken so he took the chance. He danced in front of her, the well known choreography they've all done together imprinted into her mind was something she merely couldn't ignore.

The cries and whines of the boys behind her were blocked out by the victorious yell coming from Yunho, her laughter, and their very own song Say My Name. Hugging each other tightly, both of them still in a fit of giggles, they followed the other two and sat back down on the ledge watching the others intently, would they break and fail? Or would they succeed and prevail?

(If anyone has any requests or ideas feel free to message me! I'll be going on a trip soon and will be in the car for almost eight hours so I'll be working on here a lot. Btw thank you to everyone who reads My Way! I will give it my all to keep updating my best for you! 💞)

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