Awake 😌

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The doctors were stitching up his final gun wounds. He was STILL in a coma unfortunately but Zoey had let the doctors know that he has been slowly interacting with her overtime. They all hoped he had woke up soon for her because she was really missing him.

Currently Zoey had went home for little to pack her new set of clothes for the upcoming week. Joe had brought Brandon to come visit his brother and they were in the room with him reminiscing on old memories.

"Can you just wake up, I will stop being mean to you" Brandon said sitting on the bed with Ke'shaun

"He will wake up little man. You just gotta have faith in him. Do you be  praying every night like I told you?" Joe asked his son

"Yup every single night before bed time" he said

"Then god will work his magic and bring Shaun back to us" Joe said

Two doctors stepped in.

"Hello Joe we're gonna try to wake him up today" one of them said

"And if he doesn't wake up this time we might have to start looking into cutting the plug" the other doctor explained

"No were not gonna 'cut the plug' on my son! We're gonna wait til he wakes up" joe said raising his voice

Brandon got off the bed and walked over to his dad.

"Daddy it's ok" he said

Joe soon calmed down.

"We can't keep letting this coma go on for too much longer so we're gonna try our hardest" the doctor said

Joe didn't say anything. The doctors grabbed there equipment to wake Ke'shaun up. They started to pump on his chest and give him this oxygen fluid. Nothing happened. They tried two more times.

5 minutes later nothing happened and Ke'shaun was still not awake.

"Well we will keep checking up on him and if anything happens push the button" the doctors said pointing to the red button

Joe nodded and slouched in his chair



Joe and Brandon had stayed the night because Zoey's mom didn't let zoey come back to the hospital. Brandon was sleep on the bed with
Ke'shaun and Joe was sleep in a chair.

Ke'shaun starting moving his fingers. His family didn't notice because they were in a deep sleep. Ke'shaun started moving his legs and arms.

And then after one full month of being in the coma he finally opened his eyes. He took a long breath and looked down at Brandon cuddled up. Then he looked at his dad noticing that he looked tired and drained.

Joe felt someone look at him and so he opened his eyes and catched Ke'shaun shut his eyes real fast.

"Nah boy you better open your eyes" Joe said

He got up and hugged his son not trying to crush him. He was happy that his first born was back.

"You ok" He asked Ke'shaun

Ke'shaun felt like he couldn't speak so he just nodded his head. In reality he felt depressed and even though the doctors haven't told him yet depression was one of the side effects.

"I know you tryna see your girl" joe said

Ke'shaun smirked and nodded his head slow

"She went home for the first time during this whole time. She was the main one here talking to you and just being there but she also needed a break" joe said

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