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"I had heard it was amazing, but I didn't know it could be so delicious," the vampire says, removing his fangs from my neck. His mouth is covered with my blood.

I'm so weak, it's a surprise I'm still alive. He puts his fangs back into my neck and continues to drain the life out of me. The more he drinks my blood, the weaker I become and cannot push him away.

"Oh, my! I can feel myself getting stronger the more I drink," he says. I try to push him away, but my hands drop before they can even reach his body. "I wouldn't move if I were you. It'll only make you weaker. I wonder what a werewolf like you is doing here?"

I want to speak, but nothing comes out.

"You don't have to answer that because it won't matter when you're dead," he says, bending back down to my neck when he's suddenly ripped away.

Before me stands my mate in wolf form. The vampire doesn't try to fight Nate. He turns and runs away. I get no chance to admire his beautiful wolf before he runs after the vampire.

For a moment, I'm happy I'm not going to die, but then I start to feel my soul slipping from my body. I try to keep my eyes open, but it's hard with the pain in my neck and the lack of blood. I try my best to fight it but soon the darkness takes me away.


I wake with a terrible pain in my neck. Wait, I woke up. I'm not dead. I really thought I'd died.

"How are you feeling?" Nate asks. He's sitting on the chair beside my hospital bed.

My mate has my hand in his tight grip. He's staring at me, concern in his eyes. Why is he holding my hand? Why does he look like he hasn't slept in days? If I didn't know better, I;d say he was worried about me.

"How long was I asleep?" I ask, trying to sit up but failing. My mate helps me adjust the pillows behind my back and sit up.

"You should try as much as possible to not move around. Your body needs time to heal. You were unconscious for a week"

I grimace, not understanding this sudden concern he has for me. It's not the first time I've been in a near-death situation.

"A week. Wow, I would've guessed I was out for a day, tops. Have they had any luck finding my Mom?"

"No," he growls.

Why does he sound angry about my Mom?

"Do you hate my Mom?" I let my curiosity get the better of me and ask.

"No, I don't," he says, still sounding angry.

"Then why do you sound angry any time I mention her?"

My Cursed MateWhere stories live. Discover now