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Nate and I are in a restaurant waiting for Ava to arrive; she's a few minutes late but nothing to panic about yet. I'm about to dial her number and find out why she's taking so long when she finally walks in. She looks around a little before spotting Nate and me. She smiles once she spots us in the midst of people and walks toward us.

"Hello," she says, smiling. My body shakes as a cold shiver runs down my spine when I see her smile on her face. She looks so evil and wicked. If anything, it makes her look more mischievous. I know I shouldn't judge her by her looks, but I can't help it. The woman looks like the witches humans read about in their stories. Beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside.

"Hi," I say.

"I'm surprised you agreed to my offer, werewolf King. Aren't you worried Leonardo will kill you once he comes back to life and finds out you killed his brother?" Ava asks, smirking.

"We'll cross that bridge once you remove the curse," Nate says, his jaw clenched. I'm sure he wants to smack that smirk off her face the same way I want to.

"Okay, we'll see," Ava says, folding her arms across her chest as she sits comfortably in her seat.

"Here is half of what you need," I say, placing the cooler on the table that has blood bags with my blood in it.

"What is this?" Ava says, looking at the cooler confused.

"My blood that you need to revive your mate."

"I'm a little confused. You put your blood in this box?" Ava asks, pointing to the cooler on the table.

"Yes, I did. Did you think I was going to come with you so you can try to drain all the blood out of me like you did before?" I ask, arching my brows at her. I wonder if she thinks that because I want her to remove the curse from Nate, I won't plan how to spend the rest of my life with him once she does.

If I go with her, she will definitely kill me in the process of reviving Leonardo. Even if she removes the curse from Nate, it'd be useless if I were dead. I wonder what Ava takes me for. I'm smarter than she thinks.

"I don't need a lot of your blood anymore. I won't need to cut you up the way I did last time."

"Even if you don't, I think this is the best way we can both make sure no one is cheating in this deal.."


"There is a lock on the box. I'm going to give you half the password, and once Nate and I mate, I'll text you the remaining digits so you can access my blood."

"How am I sure it's your blood inside?" she asks. She's smart, I like that.

"I'll prove it you," I say, opening the box. Nate stabs his hand with the silver spoon on the table, creating a hole in the middle of his hand. He was supposed to cut himself a little, not create this dramatic hole. We already planned to prove to Ava the blood in the cooler is mine in case she asked. Men can be so dramatic when it concerns something to do with pain. I roll my eyes as I continue with what I'm doing.

I remove one of the blood bags and drip some blood on Nate's wound. It instantly heals. We didn't even know my blood could do that until Ekaterina told us. We went to her for ideas on how we can prove the blood is really mine to Ava.

"How can I be sure all four blood bags inside here are yours?" Ava asks, looking skeptical that I might trick her by giving her blood bags that don't contain my blood. Fortunately for her, I'm not shady, so I won't do that.

"Ava, I'm not cutting up my mate's body to prove that to you. You either trust that I'm not lying or forget it."

"Okay, I'll break the curse."

"Thank you. But know that if you don't break the curse and try to cheat us, the minute you use magic to try and open the box, it will explode. If I'm dead because Nate marked me and you didn't break the curse, your mate has no chance of coming back. I have no heir, so all your hope of getting your mate back lies with me. I want you to remember everything I said as you cast the spell to break the curse." Nate and I got an excellent engineer to build the box around the cooler that holds my blood. We designed it to explode if someone tries to force it open, even with magic.

"Good to know; I won't try anything funny," she says, releasing fire from her hands. We're at a supernatural restaurant, so no humans are around. They can't even find this restaurant. It's hidden in the woods.

Ava pulls a string out of Nate's hair and starts chanting some words into the fire in her hands. I wonder how she cast the curse on him the first time. I heard sometimes they only need your picture to curse you. It's possible she used his picture. Her eyes become black and empty as a void. Ekaterina told me that happens when witches perform black magic.

Ava starts to flow in the air as she continues to chant words. My mouth hangs open as I watch her. After what feels like forever, she starts to float back down, and her eyes change to their original color.

"It's done," Ava says, sitting back down.

"Thank you. I will send you the password once I've been marked and am still alive to do it," I say, standing up.

"I'll be waiting," Ava says.

Nate and I bid her farewell before leaving the restaurant. As we drive back to the castle, I feel like a school-girl about to go on her first date. Nate and I can finally complete the mating process. I've dreamt of this day for months and it's finally here. Nate kisses my hand, as he drives us back to the palace. I'm sure he can feel my joy. I hope Ava didn't trick us, but if she did, my blood will explode the minute she tries to use magic on the box.

Once Nate parks the car, I waste no time and walk inside the castle. Nate follows me, eager to get to our bedroom. We're stopped by an insistent voice.

"My King, finally, you're back. There's something that needs your attention," Dan says, walking up the stairs.

"Can it wait till later?" Nate asks, his eyes fixed on me. I can see the lust building in his eyes.

"Unfortunately, it can't," Dan says, clearly mind linking Nate about the issue. It must be something serious because Nate actually moves to go with him. We've been wanting this for so long and he's leaving me.

"I'll handle the issue quickly and get back to you soon," Nate says, pecking my forehead.

"I'll be here waiting for you," I say, walking into our wing.

My Cursed MateWhere stories live. Discover now