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"Everything is ready. You can go in, Luna," Liam says, walking out of the dungeons.

He just finished chaining Nate to prevent him from going on a killing spree. All day, I've been praying his wolf won't lose control and kill anyone during the full moon.

"Thank you, Liam," I say before entering the dungeons.

Entering, I hear Nate struggling with the chains. His wolf must be fighting him to shift. I walk closer, and see Nate struggling to stop the shift. His eyes keep changing from their original color to golden. If he can keep his wolf from forcing the transition, it would help.

"Nate," I say, walking closer to him, hoping to calm him down. He snarls at me, and I stop moving.

"Nate is gone Mate. I'm Xavier," a deep voice says. I look at Nate's eyes and they're golden. His wolf has taken control. Before I can talk Xavier out of shifting, he transforms, and a black wolf stands in front of me.

His wolf struggles to remove the chains from his paws, and I watch him almost break free. I start sweating and panicking as I realize Nate was wrong. My presence here isn't helping his wolf calm down. I'm terrified that I'm still in the room with Xavier almost on the loose. Then again, I know deep down, Nate's wolf would never hurt me.

I take a deep breath and try to walk closer to Xavier. I think perhaps if my hand touches him, he'll calm down. I'm almost successful when Nate's wolf snarls at me. He doesn't recognize me right now. The only thing he sees is a human to kill.

'Shift,' Eva says. 'Let me take control. I can calm Xavier down.'

'Are you sure? He almost bit me.'

'I know, but he won't harm us if we're in wolf form, trust me.'

'Okay,' I say.

I take off my clothes and shift, letting Eva take control. Right now, I don't know what else to do to calm Nate's wolf. Eva walks closer to Xavier, and I watch in the back of her head as she doesn't flinch even with him snarling at her. With every step Eva takes closer to Xavier, our death flashes before my eyes. Then I notice Xavier stops struggling to free himself from the chains. His eyes are watching Eva as she gets closer.

Eva is able to calm him with just her presence. That brings a smile to my face. She buries her neck in his shoulders, and Xavier rubs his nose on her body, sniffing her scent. He licks Eva, and a giggle escapes her. An adorable little wolf giggle I'd never heard her do before. This must be a very intimate moment between them. I wonder if Nate is happy to witness this moment like I am. She drops on her fours beside him, Xavier does the same and rests his head on her. I think we're covered for the night. I don't think Xavier's going on a killing spree tonight. Eva has him sufficiently occupied.


I open my eyes when I feel the sun on my face then scream the second I see the position I'm in.

"Why are you screaming?" Nate says, rubbing his eyes as he wakes up. He's about to stand up until I scream again.

"Don't move," I say, even though his weight is killing me. It'd be worse if he saw me naked. I can't believe Eva shifted back and didn't wake me up. I slept while Eva and Xavier were enjoying each other's company. Eva wasn't ready to leave Xavier, so I decided to get some rest.

Nate opens his eyes properly and takes in our situation. Xavier also shifted back to human form leaving him much the same. Xavier was on top of Eva, so Nate is on top of me—naked. I can feel his knees poking my belly, and as much as I'd love to get him off me, I can't have him see me naked.

"I have to move so we can get out of here," he says.

"I know, but—"

"You don't want me to see you naked."

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