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I don't know how many days have gone by since I got here. It's always dark, so I can't tell when it's day or night. I hear footsteps approaching me. I'm sure it's Mason bringing food. He brings food twice every day like clockwork. I haven't forgiven him for what he did. I don't talk to him when he tries to make conversation. I just take my food from him and go back deeper into my cell to eat it.

I expect to see Mason walking toward my door; instead, I see women. They're three of them. The one in front opens my cell door, and they all walk inside. The two behind grab my hands and make me kneel. They spread my hands wide as the one who opened my cell walks toward me with a needle in her hand. I can't see clearly, but I'm sure it's silver inside the syringe. I struggle to free my hands from the two women holding me, but I'm unable to. The leader finds a vein in my left hand and wastes no time injecting me.

I scream in pain as the silver enters my bloodstream. The fastest way to weaken a werewolf is by putting silver into their bloodstream. It drains you instantly. If you're not lucky and it gets to your heart, you'll die. I can feel myself getting weaker as they drag me outside of the cell. It's bad enough the cell made me human. Now they decided to inject silver into my body. They should just kill me already.

As my legs sweep the floor, I wonder where they're taking me. They drag me through a dark corridor and stop after a few minutes. The leader opens the door, and we walk into a bathroom. They strip me of my clothes and place me into a bathtub. My body becomes limp as the silver gets closer to my heart. I want to fight them and run away, but right now I can barely move my body. The hand that got injected is so dead you'd think I was paralyzed on the left side. They fill the tub with warm water and begin to wash me.

"Why are you bathing me?" I ask but get no response. They continue to clean me without saying even one word to me.

An hour later, they're done bathing and clothing me. The dress they put me on hardly covers anything. I feel so exposed. They take me to a beautiful room and asks me to sit on the bed. I look around the room, trying to guess why I'm here and who owns it. I don't have to wonder for long because the owner of the room walks in.

"Hello, beautiful, we meet again," Nickolas says, walking into the room.

"Why am I here?" I ask, my tongue slurring slightly.

"Why do you think you're here?" he says, smirking as he unbuttons his shirt.

"Stay away from me," I say, dragging my weak body up the bed, as far away from him as possible.

"I'll do no such thing, honey," he says, removing his shirt.

"I'll kill you," I say as I feel my back hit the headboard. I quickly move my leg to the side of the bed and drop them. My whole body follows to the floor. The silver is making me too weak to run away.

"You see, honey, I knew you weren't going to agree easily, so I made sure you wouldn't run away while I enjoyed my time with you," he says, walking toward me on the ground. He lifts me up and throws me back on the bed.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask as tears start to form in my eyes. I can't believe this is how I'm going to lose my virginity.

"Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this?" he climbs the bed and places his legs beside mine, caging me between him. "I'll tell you why," he says, grabbing my face, forcing me to lock eyes with him. "I want to make you scream in pain the same way my beautiful Jane did when your ancestors killed her. I want you to be alive as I do unspeakable things to your body and watch as you can do nothing about it because you're as good as dead. I want to break you so bad you'll wish you were dead," he says, roughly releasing my face.

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