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I walk inside the cabin, my mate in my arms. I could see the bruises all over her body from my harsh training. I didn't mean to hurt her, but the training was necessary for her to be strong when we enter vampire territory. I couldn't risk what happened the last time she encountered a vampire. My wolf will kill me if I allow her to be harmed again.

I gently place Elizabeth on her bed and walk to her bathroom, filling the bathtub with warm water. She must be exhausted, but she needs a good bath and a good sleep. Once I am done filling the bathtub with water and scented oils, I walk back to her.

"Elizabeth," I call her name softly, trying to wake her up. I can't be harsh with her after all the training she endured.

"Hmmm," Elizabeth says in her sleep. She's trying to block out my voice so she can sleep.

"You need to take a shower. Wake up."

"Okay," Elizabeth says, opening her eyes. She is about to drop her feet to the ground, but I scoop her in my arms again before she can. I walk us to the bathroom and place her at the edge of the bathtub.

"Once you're done, let me know. I'll come and get you."

"Okay, thank you," Elizabeth says as I walk to the door.

I walk back to my room to quickly shower so I can be available when my mate's done bathing. I was tired but not as exhausted as her.

Once I'm done showering, I head downstairs to order food for her. She must be hungry. I grab all the take-out menus from the kitchen cupboard and try to choose what to order for her.

Staring at them, I realize I don't know what she likes. I decide to order all of them and let her choose. I spend quite a long time on the phone making orders since I ordered everything the restaurant serves.

After I ensure I have ordered enough food, I quickly leave the house to get her human drugs to help with her pain. I feel terrible for the pain she was going through because of training, but it was needed. The dangers we might face when we go into vampire territory are severe. I wish she wouldn't go, but I know her well enough to know she'd insist. I hope my plans work and we find her Mom soon so I can finally rest.


Once Nate leaves the bathroom, I remove the blanket and sink into the tub. I'm surprised by Nate's behavior, shocked really, by the way he's treating me gently, but I like it regardless. I think he feels bad for the pain and exhaustion I'm feeling.

I'm not angry at him. Even though I have bruises all over my body, I know it's because I'm training so as not get myself killed while trying to find my Mom. I take my time and enjoy the warm water on my skin.

I don't spend a lot of time in the bath because I'm hungry. I use the shower after I'm done in the tub to clean off the soap. When I'm about ready to step out, I hear a knock on the door. Does Nate need something?

My Cursed MateWhere stories live. Discover now