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Three days later, Ekaterina arrives, and she's perfected the werewolf silver shield spell. We're about to test it.

"You can shift now," Ekaterina tells Nate.

All the silver is gone from his body, so he can shift now. He's also fully recovered. The humans didn't notice him getting better when they brought our food the last couple of days. They hardly even entered the cell, just throwing the food in.

Nate shifts into his beautiful midnight wolf. Nate's wolf is the biggest I've ever seen. I'm not surprised since he's the werewolf King. His wolf is ten or twelve feet tall, taller than I stand even in human form. My wolf is around six or seven feet tall, the average height for werewolves. That's half of Nate's wolf in size. I'm not shifting because I need to open the doors as we try to free our people. I know we can break down the doors in wolf form, but it's easier if I just use my hands.

I walk closer to him and pass my hands through his fur. It feels very soft and nice under my fingers. I unexpectedly rub my face into his fur. I expect Nate to move back, but he doesn't. I shouldn't be surprised anymore that he doesn't push me away when I'm close to him. He licks my face, pouring wolf saliva all over my face.

"Nate!" I exclaim, disgusted with him behaving like a dog. I try to clean his saliva off my face, expecting him to mind linking me an apology. Instead, he just smiles. It might be a wolf smile, but it's Nate smiling at me for the second time. I can't believe it.

"Sorry," Ekaterina says, handing me a piece of cloth to clean my face.

"Thank you," I say.

"I'll begin the spell now," Ekaterina says.

She releases water in one hand and fire in the other. She chants words into her hands, holding them in the air. Her eyes flicker from ocean blue to flaming red. She starts sweating, and I start getting worried the spell might be taking a toll on her. I'm about to tell her to stop when she hits Nate and I with a ball of fire. It didn't burn, but I felt heat pass through my body. She quickly follows it with a cold splash of water.

"Test it out," she says, panting. The spell must've drained her.

"Are you alright?" I ask, not caring to test the spell out first.

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine. Check out the spell," she says, waving me off.

"Okay," I say, walking to the door to see if I can open it without burning myself.

I slowly place my hand on the door, and it doesn't burn my skin. "It worked, Ekaterina," I say, smiling.

"That's good," she says, smiling back.

I rip the door open. I'm stronger than an average human, so it's easy to break a door in human form. The only thing that was keeping us in the cell was the silver.

'Let's go,' Nate mind links me, walking out of the room.

Once he steps out, he releases a loud howl, letting every werewolf in here know their King is going to save them. The minute Nate stops howling, I hear clothes ripping. Every werewolf that heard his howl is ready to help their King fight.

I waste no time and start playing my part in our plan to get everyone out. I follow the sound of clothes ripping and find the cells where the werewolves are locked up. It's not hard to find them with Ekaterina's fire helping me light the floor. I'm able to see that there are about fifty cells. I act fast and release everyone. I'm surprised the humans haven't arrived yet. All the werewolves stand in front of their cells, waiting for Nate's command .

'The witch is going to cast a spell to protect you from the silver they will use to hurt you. Once she's done, you know what to do,' Nate mind links everyone.

I look around, and every wolf looks confused, which is understandable. It's not every day you see a witch helping werewolves. Ekaterina steps forward, and like earlier, she does the same spell, but this time it's not only her eyes that change colors, it's also her hair. Her hair is glowing, flaming red one minute, and then it changes color and becomes blue like the sea. She releases a massive fireball into the air that hits every werewolf and splashes a big wave of water after.

The minute she's done, I watch her almost fall. I quickly walk over and help her stand when something at the front door gets my attention.

"Oh, shit," a human says when he sees everyone. He quickly runs out, and an alarm goes off. He must've alerted the other humans that we're escaping.

Nate doesn't wait another second after the alarm goes off to charge. Every wolf follows Nate. Since they're taking care of our exit plan, I turn my attention back to the reason we'll be able to succeed.

"Ekaterina are you okay?" I ask, using my body to support her.

"I'll be fine, let's go," she says, putting her arm on my shoulder to support herself. I had planned to shift since I've freed all the wolves, but it seems I'll have to stay in human form to help Ekaterina walk out of here. She's been crucial help tonight. I hope she didn't hurt herself in the process.

We follow Nate and the other wolves out the door. As we try to find the exit I see wolves tearing the skin off humans in every corner. A big smile graces my face as I pass the humans begging werewolves to spare their lives.

Ekaterina and I find the exit. Everyone has come out except Nate. I start panicking, wondering what's keeping him. I tried mind linking him but can't since he turned off his connection. I'm about to walk back in and look for him when he walks out with Gordon in his mouth.

He drops Gordon on the ground and changes to human form. I don't even care that he's naked because I'm ready to watch him kill Gordon.

"Apologize to her," Nate says to Gordon.

"Never, you're going to kill me either way. I might as well die with some dignity left," Gordon says.

"Let me try again. Apologize to her," Nate growls at Gordon and inserts his finger into the wound on his shoulder. Nate must've been the one to give him that injury.

"I'm sorry," Gordon says, screaming in pain.

"For what," Nate says, adding another finger into the wound. I turn my face away because I can't watch.

Nate doesn't get the hint and drags Gordon by his injured shoulder to face me again.

"I'm sorry for whipping you," Gordon says,

"And?" Nate says, adding more pressure to his wound.

"And for asking you to suck my cock. It was very stupid of me."

"Good. Now let me put you out of your misery," Nate says and rips his head off. My heart swells. Nate didn't have to force Gordon to apologize to me, but he did.

"No being can harm my mate and expect to live," Nate mutters, but I hear it.

I smile as I take in every word. Nate's making my heart flutter for him every day. It's hard to still be angry with him for how he treated me when we first met. I hope from now on things are only going to be good between us.

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