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Nickolas drags my body on the floor using my hair. By the time he releases me, I'm surprised I still have hair on my head.

"Do it fast, Ava. The werewolf king's army is stronger than we anticipated," Nickolas says to a woman standing across the room.

"You don't have to tell me twice. Tie her to the ground," the woman, who I'm guessing is Ava, says.

Nickolas drags my body to the center of the room. He uses nails and a rope to tie my body down to the ground. My legs and hands are spread wide open. Ava places candles all around me. She releases a ball of fire that spreads across the room and lights up all the candles. She begins to chant words the same way Ekaterina does every time she casts a spell.

Ava is a fire witch, but her hair doesn't glow as she casts spells. I watch as her mouth moves fast as she speaks in a foreign language. The fire in the candles around me suddenly grows high and meets each other at the top. She placed the candles around me at a specific position, so they form a star above me. Her eyes become black the more she chants.

"Open it now," she says to Nickolas. The ground under me starts to move. The fire in the candles hangs in the air. They join and form a big ball of fire.

I scream as loud as I can, my throat crying in pain, when the fire hits my body. It enters my blood and burns me from within. I thrash against the floor, yelling in pain.

"It hurts," I scream, sweating as I burn from within. I don't get to fully take in the pain from the fire before more comes. My whole body begins to tear open as it settles into my body. I scream more as my arms, stomach, legs tear open. It's like I'm being skinned alive.

"Soon, you'll be with me, my love," Ava says to something behind me. I can't move my head right now, to see. They must be giving Nickolas' brother my blood. Why did they have to do it this way? It's bad enough I have to die for nothing, and now I'm dying in the most painful way possible.

Nickolas is about to speak but gets cut off when the glass behind him breaks into pieces.

"Did you really think you could run from me, Nickolas?" Nate growls as he walks into the room through the window.

"I wasn't running away, you dog. I had more important things to attend to," Nickolas says, looking at me. Nate's eyes follow where he's looking, almost popping out of their sockets the moment he sees me.

"What have you done to her?" Nate growls. He runs toward Nickolas, but before he can grab him, Nickolas moves away. Nate still cares about me. I thought he wouldn't care after how I hurt him.

"What she was born to do," Nickolas says, smirking, wiping invisible dust off his body.

"I'm going to kill you," Nate says and shifts into his wolf. I want to shout at Nate to shift back to human form because Ava is here and practices black magic. I can barely open my mouth. I'm about to try mind linking him but don't need to when someone else helps me warn him.

"Nate shift back! Ava will enter your mind," Ekaterina shouts from the door. Nate quickly shifts to human form and puts on a pair of shorts given to him by a man who came in with Ekaterina. "Oh, heavens, what have they done to you, Liz?" she says, running to my side. Before she can touch me, a bolt of lightning hits her.

"Did you really think I'd let you ruin my plan, Ekaterina?" Ava says, coming out of her hiding place. Once Nate arrived, she hid.

"I'm just testing you, Ava," Ekaterina says, lifting herself off the ground with the help of the werewolf who came with her.

"You're lucky to have lived this long. Once my sister arrives, she won't waste time before she ends your life on the spot," Ava says.

"Not, if I'm alive," the werewolf growls and takes a protective stance in front of Ekaterina. I know I'm dying, but I never thought I'd see another werewolf protect Ekaterina except Nate.

"Kyler, I can protect myself," Ekaterina says, stepping in front of him.

"You're mine to protect," the werewolf says, taking Ekaterina's face in his palms.

What's going on? I think the more blood I lose, the more things don't make sense to me. Why would a werewolf say such a thing to Ekaterina and protect her the way he did? I'm in shock when I realize why.

Ekaterina is his mate.

How could I not have seen the mark on her neck when they stepped in? Only a werewolf could have given her that mark. My train of thought is interrupted when my body collides with another person. They hit me so hard we fly across the room.

"Elizabeth," Nate says, holding me. I'm jostled but I'm no longer feeding the vampire my blood.

'Nate,' I mind link him, too weak to speak. I don't even know how I'm still alive. I try to lift my hand and touch his face, but I can't. I can feel my body about to give out on me. I need to be fast and tell Nate the truth. 'I'm happy I got to see you one last time. I want to tell you something before it's too late. I never cheated on you, my love. I would never do such a thing to you. I lied because I thought I was saving your life, but I was played. I don't think I have enough time to explain, so once I'm gone, ask my mother, she will explain everything. Goodbye, my love, my mate. I love you,' I say and allow the darkness to take me away.


I shake my injured mate's body to wake her up. She can't be dead. She can't leave me when I'm so close to giving her the happiness she deserves. I found out the truth this morning before I left. Her mother came and told me everything. I felt foolish not to have seen through my mate's lie. I felt like I broke her trust for believing she could cheat on me.

"Ekaterina," I shout across the room.

"I'm here, Nate," Ekaterina says, running to my side.

"Help," I say, handing my mate over to her.

"I'll do my best," Ekaterina says, checking Elizabeth's wounds.

"Thank you," I say, standing up. "Kyler," I call for my strongest Alpha in my kingdom.

"Yes, my King," Kyler says, standing beside Ekaterina after he finishes throwing Ava across the room. His mate trained him well on how to fight fire witches like her. Ava is a piece of cake for him. She was not even supposed to be alive. Everyone believed she was dead. We didn't know she had been hiding in the vampire king's castle all these years. Ava is the witch who cursed me.

"Make sure that witch doesn't interrupt. I have a vampire king to kill," I say, walking toward Nickolas, who was trying to get away. I will deal with Ava later for the curse.

The stupid vampire king was trying to run away after killing my mate. I will have to die myself before I allow Nickolas to leave this room alive.

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