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Once I'm done eating, I clean my hands and relax my body back on the bed. I'm still a little weak.

"Nate, there is something I need to tell you," I say, stretching out my hand for him to come closer.

"What, my mate," Nate says, taking my hands in his as he moves closer to me on the bed.

"Before I blacked out last time, I was not able to explain everything. The thing is, I'm..." I'm a little nervous to tell Nate that I'm a hybrid. What if he leaves me after he finds out? I barely survived what Ava did to me. I can't lose my mate, but I owe him an explanation for my actions. I take a deep breath and prepare to continue talking.

"I'm—" I get cut off by Nate.

"I know," he says, giving my hand a warm squeeze.

"You know, how," I ask, wide-eyed.

"Your mother told me," he says, brushing my hair away from my face.

"And you don't hate me?" I ask, leaning into his palm on my face.

"No, why would I?" he asks, frowning his face.

"I'm a half-vampire. A species you hate more than any in the world."

"Honey, you forget my best friend is a witch, and a witch is the reason for a lot of pain in my life."

"You're such an amazing person. A lot of people in your shoes would hate all vampires and witches."

"But I don't. Just because you're a witch or vampire doesn't mean you're the one I hate."

"Come here," I say, with tears in my eyes. Nate is so amazing.

"I'm here, my mate," he says, bringing his face closer to me. I seal my lips with his.

"I love you; I'm the luckiest she-wolf to be chosen to be your mate," I say once we release from our kiss.

"No, honey, I'm the lucky one here, and I love you too," he says and kisses me again.

"Nate, I didn't see Ekaterina. Has she already gone back home?" I ask once we break from our kiss. I've been thinking about her all day.

"No, she didn't come with the others because she's also in the hospital."

"What happened to her?" I ask, worried.

Nate tells me everything that happened after I blacked out.

"Oh, my goodness, I hope she's fine."

"She's doing well. I visited her a few minutes before you woke up. She's recovering well."

"That's great to hear."


"Can I go and see her?"

"You're not fully healed, so I don't think it's best you move around yet."

"I know, but I need to see her. I feel guilty for what happened to her. I need to see she's doing fine to ease my guilt," I say, and Nate takes a minute before he replies. I'm sure he was debating with himself if he should take me to her or not.

"Let me get a wheelchair; you're not walking there," he says, standing up from the chair beside the bed.

"I don't mind. Thank you," I say before he walks out.

Nate comes back a few seconds later with a wheelchair. He helps me into the chair and rolls me outside to Ekaterina's room. I hope she's recovering well, as Nate says. We walk to the elevator and get in. It seems Ekaterina's room is downstairs.

We're stepping out of the elevator when we bump into the person I want to see.

"Ekaterina," I say, smiling once my eyes set on her.

"It's my two favorite love birds," she says, smiling. She's sitting in a wheelchair, also. The man I can remember from the fight is the one pushing the wheelchair for her. Ekaterina has his scent mixed with hers on her, so he must be her mate.

"I was actually on my way to see you; who could guess the odds that I'd run into you on my way there."

"I'm on my way to see you too. I'm sorry I'm just coming now even though it's been hours since you woke up."

"There is no need for an apology. If anyone in this world can take forever to visit me, it's you."

"That's great to hear."

"I heard what you did for me. I don't know how to thank you enough, Ekaterina. You could've died doing what you did, but you still did it. Thank you so much. I'm forever in debt to you," I say, pulling her hand in mine.

"You don't have to thank me. I couldn't allow you to die without trying to save you," she says, patting above our joined hands.

"Thank you again."

"It's fine, and how're you feeling? Have you spoken to your wolf since you woke up? I know the spell Ava cast must have blocked your access to your wolf, but you should be able to talk to her now."

"I haven't tried. Let me give it a shot."

I block out everyone around me and focus my mind on contacting Eva. It feels like ages since we spoke. I miss her.

'Hello, human, miss me?' Eva says, after what feels like an eternity to me.

'I have missed you,' I say, smiling.

'Me too; I'm happy to be back,' she says, smiling back.

'Me too, and I promise once I'm fully recovered, we will go on a run.'

'I would love that, human.'

'I know you would, and bye for now. I'll talk to you later.'

Goodbye, my human half,' Eva says and disappears into the back of my mind.

"I can talk to my wolf." I say to Ekaterina

"That's great to hear. I'm sure in a few weeks you will be—" I cut Ekaterina off when I place my hand on her belly. I didn't smell it immediately because I was trying to figure out the other person's scent on her.

"You're pregnant," I say, with my eyes wide open. Finding out that Ana was pregnant wasn't surprising because I know she has a mate, but for Ekaterina, it is. I didn't know she had a man in her life let alone being pregnant.

"Yes, I am," she says sadly.

"Why do you sound sad that you're pregnant? You don't want to have children?"

"I do, but it's complicated."

"I have all the time in the world."

Ekaterina tells me how she's been losing all her pregnancies for the past year. I can't imagine the pain she must've felt every time she lost a baby. She said this one was a mistake because she and her mate stopped trying to conceive.

"I'm so sorry you went through all that."

"It's fine; with time, I'll get over it."

"You're a very strong woman, and hopefully, this baby in your womb will live past three months," I say, giving her hand a warm squeeze.

"I pray so too," she says, smiling sadly.

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