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I groan in my sleep as I feel a terrible headache coming. I open my eyes as I massage my temple. I'm not in my bed, I'm tied to a chair. I try to free myself from the ropes around my hands but the more I struggle with them, the more they burn my skin. It's like they're silver. I look around me, and everywhere is dark. Where am I? I'm about to scream when I hear someone's voice.

"There's no need to scream dear, no one will hear you," a familiar voice says. Everywhere is dark so I can't see them.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" I shout to the person in the room with me.

"Hello, dear," Ava says, appearing in front of me. "Did you miss me?" she says, using her long nails to brush my cheek lightly.

"Where am I, and how did I get here?" I ask, moving my face out of her reach.

"You're with me, that's where you are."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"It means what it means."

"Did you smoke crack?" I ask, my brows raised.

"Why would you ask me that stupid question?" she asks, frowning. It seems I might've offended her.

"How did you capture me? Did you do anything to Nate? I swear if you harmed him, once I'm out of this chair, I'll make you pay," I growl at her. I remember going to bed with Nate before waking up here. She must've hurt Nate to be able to kidnap me. I wonder how she was able to.

"No need for your useless threats. I didn't hurt that dog of yours."

"He isn't a dog," I growl loudly at her. Vampires and witches tend to call werewolves dogs. They know we're not dogs. They only say it to annoy us, and it works.

"You guys are to me, but that's not important right now. What's important is you have what I need, and I need you to give it to me."

"Wait, you need me to give it to you? I'm already in front of you. Why are you talking like I'm not?" I ask, confused.

"Because..." Ava says, drawing out her words. Something unique starts happening. Everywhere around us starts changing. The dark surrounding around me transforms into a beautiful park.

"What just happened?" I ask, wide-eyed as a butterfly land on my nose. I wiggle my nose to drive it away.

"You see, the thing is Elizabeth. I'm not real. I'm just in your head," she says and changes our surroundings again. This time she takes us to an amusement park filled with humans.


"Even if I spend the whole night explaining it to you, you'll never understand."

"Try me."

"I would like to, but we don't have time. Nate will soon notice and wake you up."

"Notice what?"

"I need your blood, and you need me to break Nate's curse. I'll break Nate's curse once you give me your blood. I w—" Ava doesn't get to finish her statement as she suddenly starts fading away.

"You will what..." I scream as I watch her body fade away.

I feel someone pull my body and scream my name. I focus on the voice and try to recognize it.

"Wake up, Elizabeth, wake up," Nate shouts. I can't hear him clearly but from the way it sounds, he must be screaming my name.

I follow the sound of his voice, and I scream the minute I open my actual eyes. I'm hanging in the air. I shout more once I feel gravity taking its course.

"I got you," Nate says, catching me in his arms.

"What the hell just happened?"

"I should be asking you that," Nate says, walking to the bed to sit me down on it.

"I just had a conversation with Ava."

"What," Nate asks, confused. He squats down in front of me as I sit down on the edge of the bed.

"Ava and I were talking before you woke me up."

"Are you alright, honey? It's impossible for you to have had a conversation with Ava a few seconds ago."

"We were talking in my head; that's why I was floating. I'm guessing the spell to get into my head also made my body float."

"Oh," Nate looks like he's finding my words hard to believe.

"It sounds unbelievable, but you know these witches. They can do a lot of things."

"You're right; they can. So, what did you guys talk about?" Nate asks as he sits beside me on the edge of the bed.

"She offered me a deal."

"What deal?"

"She said if I give her my blood, she'll break the curse."

"She said that?" Nate asks, surprised.

"Yes, she did," I say, nodding my head for emphasis.

"Wow," Nate says, rubbing his face with his palm. "I don't know if I should be happy or sad right now."

"You should be happy. We've finally found a way to break the curse."

"I think you're forgetting two months ago I had to enter your head to wake you up after she tried to wake up her mate by draining almost all the blood out of you."

It's been a month since I woke up, and the war. I miss Mason every day anytime I remember how he died.

"I'm not forgetting what happened. I'm sure there's a way I can give her my blood, and it won't involve me dying."

"You really think so?"

"I hope so; we just have to ask Ekaterina tomorrow."

"Alright, we'll do that tomorrow, but if there is a way. Are you really okay with giving her your blood? I know I should even be against it since she wants to wake up the vampire king's brother, but I can't. If she does break the curse, I can finally complete the mating process with you, but first, I have to ask. Are you really okay with giving her your blood?"

"I have never been sure about something in my life," I say, holding Nate's hands in mine.

"That's wonderful to hear, my love; hopefully, Ekaterina will give us good news tomorrow. Let's go back to sleep," Nate says, pulling me back under the cover

"Hopefully, she will," I say, getting comfortable under the covers.

My Cursed MateWhere stories live. Discover now