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Nate and I spend the day at the pond. He didn't go back in water after almost marking me, though. I want to ask Ekaterina why she stopped him, but I think she's avoidoing me.

"I think I'm feeling better now. Please, can you turn away?" When he turns away, I step out. Even though we were half-naked under the water a few hours ago, I'm still not comfortable being seen only in my underwear.

My throat doesn't feel sore anymore, and it doesn't hurt to talk. My body temperature's gone down. I feel stronger. I'm sure it's because of the spells Ekaterina cast into the water. They must've helped me recover. I dry myself with the hand towel I packed from home.

"You can turn around now," I say once I'm done putting on my clothes.

"Are you sure you're feeling better?" Nate asks, facing me.

"Yes," I say, and he places his hand on my forehead.

"You're right. Your temperature is much lower," he says, removing his hand from my forehead.

"Yep. Where's Ekaterina?" I ask.

"She went to look for food. She should be back soon."

"I hope she finds something nice to eat."

"Me too," Nate says, picking up the hand towel. "Come here," he says, gesturing for me to come closer.

"What's wrong?" I ask, walking closer to him.

"You didn't dry your hair properly. You have water dripping all over your clothes," Nate says, using the towel to dry my hair.

"Thank you," I say, looking up at him.

He hums and concentrates on what he's doing. It's so funny how he looks serious doing such a mundane task. He always looks serious regardless of what he's doing.

Nate finishes drying me then suddenly spins me around. I'm confused why he turned me away from the other side. But then I understand when I hear Nate groan in pain. Nate got shot. How, I don't know. I look ahead and see a human holding a gun pointed at Nate. The human's about to shoot again, but before he can, Nate grabs me and we start running.

"Shift!" Nate commands, using his Alpha tone to make me shift by force. Eva hasn't come back or spoken to me yet, so this is the best way I could shift right now.

My clothes tear as I shift and continue sprinting. Nate follows suit, shifting and continuing to run beside me. Nate is strong. He got shot with a silver bullet and he can still shift into his wolf.

'How are you feeling, Nate?' I ask, worried he might be in a lot of pain. He's bleeding. I feel tears threatening to fall from my eyes, even in wolf form. He got shot while protecting me. I can't believe he took a bullet for me.

'I'm fine, don't stop running,' Nate says with his voice low. He's in a lot of pain, but he doesn't want to tell me.

I continue running at full speed. I think this is the fastest I've run in my life. I almost stop when a bullet whizzes by me. The shot barely missed me. I wonder how they were able to catch up to us. I turn back and see the human hunters on motorcycles racing after us. It explains why they can keep up with our speed—no human can match the speed of a werewolf.

I see the cave up ahead. I think about if it's wise to hide there or continue running. I don't get to decide when an arrow comes my way. I freeze, only moving when Nate pushes me out of the way. I let out a wolf cry as I watch Nate fall to the ground, the arrow piercing his fur.

I quickly run toward Nate to protect him as I watch another arrow coming his way. But again, he pushes me out of the way and takes the arrow in his shoulder blades. I watch as Nate's eyes close after the second silver arrow lodges in his flesh.

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