Chapter 23

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"𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕘𝕣𝕠𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕡𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕨𝕚𝕤𝕕𝕠𝕞"


Cora glared up at the sun as Leo, Elliot, Cleo, and she walked toward the Mystic Grill for lunch instead of going to the school cafeteria. The walk wasn't long but it was very hot and if anyone other than Cleo had asked to go out in this weather she would have said no. It's not that she loved her 15-minute younger sister more than the rest of her siblings she just couldn't help but feel slightly more connected to her and that was what compelled her to subconsciously comply with most of her wishes.

As Cora got lost in her thoughts, the other three fail slightly behind as they talked.

"- and throughout the whole hour in remedial spell casting Leo wouldn't stop staring at this girl named Molly or something and you could totally tell she was creeped out" Elliot recounted to Cleo as he teased his brother.

"It wasn't creepy, it was adorable" Leonidas defended, "and her name is Holly"

Elliot rolled his eyes as he sped up to playfully put some distance between them. "Say what you will but everyone else knows it was creepy." He peeked back to see their reactions and smiled when he heard his sister's giggles. He opened his mouth to say more but quickly stopped when he noticed Leo was actually upset. He change the subject, awkwardly asking how Cleo's period apart from them was.

"I learned some new spells and even though I have homework it was okay," She said. Cleo thought a little bit about if she should or shouldn't tell them about Hope before deciding to do it.

"I also ran into Hope in the-" "Well aren't you as gorgeous as they said, miss. Salvatore" a man interrupted as he came closer. He let out a degrading whistle as he looked Cleo up and down, taking in every part of her. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer, causing her two brothers to get mad.

"Let go now" Cleo demanded, trying to pull her arm away but the man was too strong, stronger than her. 'How can he be stronger than me...?'

Cleo calms her breathing before she takes a deep breath through her nose to take in his scent. He smelled like the woods, a clear sign that he was a werewolf and he also had the soft smell of blood around him that wasn't his, signs of being a vampire. He was strong and had both smells which means he was a hybrid but there was something else. Something was on him but not a part of him. Someone was infusing him with strength that surpassed normal hybrids.

"-heard of me?" the man's voice echo's around her as she came back to the world around her. "Are you listening to me" the man held as he squeezed onto her wrist tighter than before, causing her to help.

The oldest redhead sibling glanced over towards her three companions as she heard shouting. She quickly ran over when she noticed an older man holding onto her sister's wrist as Elliot and Leonidas growled at him.

"Let go" Leo roared as his eyes began to glow along with his siblings causing the man to let go of Cleo. He backed away as his own eyes glowed gold with a hint of something else.

The man stood in a fighting stance against the four of them. The siblings were famous in the supernatural community and most wouldn't even dare to appear in front of them but this guy knew who they were and he still stood confidently in front of them.

"Do you really think you can take all four off us?" Cora questioned as she got ready. she threw a punch at him which he didn't even try to dodge. Before she did anything else his skin started to bruise all over, like he had been hit repeatedly.

The man just smirked as he glanced over at Cleo's wrist, the one he held earlier. "I don't need to"

"Oww" Cleo looks down at her wrist to see a puncture wound slowly closing. She looked back up but now he was on the floor with two police cars around him.


"Well this is a nice change of scenery," said Leo while looking around the small space he was forced to be in.

They were locked up in a jail cell because someone called and said they had assaulted a guy. The report only included Cora, Elliot, and Leo with no mention of Cleo.

"It's a prison cell you idiot, there's nothing nice about it" Cora snapped, she couldn't take being locked up with these two idiots anymore.

"Calm down he was just being sarcastic" mumbled Elliot, quickly dodging his sister's hands.

"Well his sarcasm isn't gonna get us out of this place now will it?"

"Relax I already called Dad" Leonidas assured his siblings "you have so little faith in me, huh?"

"YOU CALLED DAD!!!" Cora shouted "why on God's green earth would you call dad of all people" she went to strangle Leo but Elliot stopped her.

"Honestly what goes on in that empty head of yours"

"Hey no need to be mean"

" it's nobody's fault that you're such a fucking dumbass " Cora muttered under her breath, but they could both still hear her.

" This is gonna be a long couple of hours"


"So who's going to tell me how you guys ended up in jail?" Stefan asked 3/4 of the quadruplets.

"I don't know dad, we didn't do anything," Elliot exclaimed while glaring at Leonidas and Cora. The two fought the whole four hours they had been locked up for and he was so tired, he just wanted to get away from them and go to his room.

"Yeah, none of it made any sense " shouted Leo with an annoyed look on his face.

"Shut up"

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