Chapter 3

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"It is said that woman in labor leave their bodies... They travel to the stars to collect the souls of their babies, and return to this world together"

After a long and painful delivery, Cassiopeia finally got to meet her beautiful babies face to face.  She looked over to where the nurse had handed over her children to her mother, Caroline, and Stefan and she reached out her hand towards them. All four of them had her red hair and while she couldn't tell what their eye colors were yet she knew that they were perfect. Not long after, the young warlock passed out from exhaustion.


After the final check-up, it was time to leave the hospital. They went to the Forbes house where the rest of the gang was waiting after being kicked out of the hospital for causing too much of a racket. They all marveled at the tiny human beings that had just come out of the redhead.

"Aren't they cute?" Caroline asked in awe of the four mini people, one of which she held.

Damon stared at her like she was crazy. To him, the babies looked like miniature old people with all of their wrinkles. Definitely not cute at all and when everyone nodded along with her statement, he was ready to call bullshit.

Stefan, upon noticing his brother's look, quickly sent him a glare and elbowed him, using his vampire strength to make sure it hurt as a warning. Although he slightly agrees with what he can tell his brother was thinking, he didn't want to hurt her feelings.

A weak later and it was time for graduation. Despite it being a joyful day, it was ruined by ghosts invading Mystic Falls. Though it wasn't all bad, she was able to see Kol and Jeremy. They talked and she introduced them to her babies who instantly took a liking to them.

They both eventually left and she was left alone to get ready for her graduation ceremony. As she was fixing her make up she got a call from Caroline saying Damon got shot with a bullet laced with werewolf venom.

Cassiopeia hanged up and quickly called Klaus, leaving messages after messages, hoping that he will pick up for once. "Please pick up Klaus" she pleaded as the call went to his message box again. 

She only looked up from her phone when she heard crying. She followed the sound and saw that Cleo had woken up. Cassiopeia immediately picked her up, pulling the baby closer to her as a sign of comfort. She glanced back at her phone and at his contract info one last time before turning it off.

"What am I going to do?" Cassiopeia whispered as she thought of Damon and the possibility of him dying.


Even with everything going on, the girls and Cassiopeia still managed to get their diplomas. She didn't know how they planned to get rid of their ghost problem but that didn't matter to her as she spent time talking about the future with all her friends. Caroline, Elena, Bonnie, and her all planned to go to the same college together. She even talked to the Administration about the fact that she was a teen mom and they had assured her that they will make the appropriate accommodations for her.

After graduation, she quickly went home to get the quadruplets ready for bed. She said her goodbyes to everyone with Bonnie looking extra sad for some reason as she left. She put the babies in their car seats, making sure to buckle them in right, before climbing into the front seat. Right as she was going to put the keys in the ignition she noticed a little box with a note attached to it.

Even as confusion settled in, Cassiopeia still reached out and grabbed both of the things before immediately ripping open the letter and reading it once she noticed who it was from.


"My dear Cassiopeia, by now I'm sure you have heard all about Haley, and one of the reasons I still stay here in this city so I won't bore you with the details but what I do wish to tell you is that I still love you. I still love you even though you broke up with me and I still wish us and the child you carry to be together as a family. So I promise that one day after I have conquered all of the threats to me, I will return to you and we can have that happily ever after you always wanted. So wait for me and I shall return as soon as I can.

                                            sincerely, your lover, Klaus"

The redhead didn't know how to feel about the letter so, like most things she didn't know how to deal with, she ignored it. She instead went and opened the box next and inside was her engagement ring. Unlike how Klaus had obviously wanted her to feel as she stared at the letter and ring all she felt was anger and sadness. Anger at the fact that he thought that she would wait for him after what he did and sadness as the little bit of hope she had in her heart before she read the letter, died. Part of her had hoped that the letter contained an apology for what he had done, the part of her that had always longed for a fairy tale ending, in which she would marry a prince and live a long fulfilling life like her mother would tell her in all the stories. 

Cassiopeia was so lost in her thoughts that the only thing that brought her back was the letter catching on fire and the giggling from the back seat. She glanced over towards the back of the car and saw Cora was the source of both the fire and the laughter.

As she looked at the flaming letter once more, she grinned before engulfing the smaller flames in much larger ones and throwing it out the window with the ring not far behind before speeding away.

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