Chapter 22

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"𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕪 𝕤𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕤𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕪 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖"


"𝙒𝙚'𝙧𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚" Stefan announced, parking the car in the Mikaelsons driveway.

"Great" Cassiopeia mumbled, quickly moving to grab her husband's hand and pull him closer to her side, trying to get every ounce of comfort he could offer.

"Are we sure we can't still ditch? " Leonidas asked even though he already knew the answer "do you think you know who is going to be there? "

"Well it is his house" Cleo answered as she picked up Levi from his car seat "so he's bound to be here"

"Why do you always ask stupid questions?" Cora questioned in an overly loud voice to make sure that Leonidas and everyone heard her. She was hoping that if Leo and her got in a fight then they would have to go home.

"Well, why do you alwa-" "And that's enough of that" Stefan quickly interrupted, already knowing his daughter's plan.

"Let's just try and get along tonight, please?" Josie pleaded with her siblings. She understood why they were miss behaving even more than usual but it was only making their mother more nervous and she didn't want that to happen.



"Welcome," Elijah opened the door with his business-like smile already plastered on his face. Instead of looking towards Stefan or Cassiopeia his eyes immediately fell on the quadruplets. 'So those are Klaus's oldest.' They looked more like their mother with their red hair, but you could still see some of Klaus in them just to know that they were indeed his children. "Well come in I already had dinner prepared so let's all head to the dining room"

He led them towards the dining room in silence. Elijah was lost in thought, thinking about the quadruplets and Cassiopeia. He wanted to know the names of his nieces and nephews or how Cassiopeia had ended up with Stefan or how she had been able to have children with a vampire or why she hadn't reached out to them in all these years. He didn't know anything about her life anymore and he hates not knowing. There used to be a time where Cassiopeia always told him everything and now she would barely even look at him, none of this makes sense to him.

"Oh, it looks like we're here Elijah" Cassiopeia's soft voice interrupted his thoughts. 'Elijah and not Lijah' Elijah thought. She use to never call him by name, always coming up with some nickname for him no matter how much he lied and said he didn't like it.

"Yes, it would seem we have," Elijah said, looking up ahead of him and realized that in fact, they had arrived without him noticing it as he ushered them inside. Elijah had been looking forward to hosting a dinner for them since he had found out Cassidy(and her family) still lived here. He know that they all would have to sit down and talk eventually and so he had begun planning this evening with his younger sister and brother.

Rebekah and Kol immediately jumped up from their chairs the moment they saw the Salvatore family walk in. They were about to come over when they saw Elijah's glare and look of disapproval which made them quickly sit back down.

"Nice to see you could make it, love," Klaus said while smirking at the redhead hybrid and her husband.

Cassiopeia and Stefan choose to ignore him but the Salvatore kids (except Levi) glared at him. Leonidas even began to growl and was about to start barking before Lizzie hit him upside the head.

"Dude we know you're a part dog but that doesn't mean you have to act like one" Layla joked to lighten up the mood. She looked over to Anthony only to see him pull out his latest bomb while eying Klaus, "I don't think that well work on him"

"It's a vervain and wolfsbane bomb, idiot" Anthony mumbled, working on the finishing touches of his masterpiece.

"You do realize that dad is a vampire and four of our siblings are triggered werewolves, right?"

"Of course I know, stupid"

"Then what-" " you do realize that everyone can hear you, right? " Klaus interrupted, rolling his eyes at them. Everybody was sitting in their seats except the twins who were too busy arguing. He just wanted to have dinner with his lovely Cassiopeia and their kids but no she had to go and bring her husband and his children and mess up the whole night. How insensitive of her to bring them here when it was supposed to be just a family event.

Layla stood there frozen until Anthony pulled on her hand towards their seats with an evil glare on his face directed at Klaus.

"Let's all calm down and try to have a good time" Cassiopeia advised while trying to fight her own glare from coming out. She tried to hide her anger but the way her eyes turned violet gave it away.


"My, I still can't believe we were going to have four kids. I had always wonder why your stomach was really big back then, bigger then most pregnant ladies but now I know" Klaus said as he laughed alone while everyone else was uncomfortable. "I'm sure it was hard to raise them alone, right love?"

Throughout the whole night, Cassiopeia's eyes didn't stop glowing for one second. She really just wanted to punch the smirk right off of Klaus's face and run away with her family before he could do anything.

"Just shut up Klaus" even the sweet Stefan was done with his shit.

"Thanks for having us over but it's time for us to go. The kids have school tomorrow and they need to get to bed" Cassiopeia said as she calmly got up from her seat on the couch with her kids and husband quickly following behind.

"But it's only 9 pm surely they don't go to sleep this early, Hope goes to sleep at 11 and that's pretty early for teenagers," Rebekah remarked, suspicious about why they were leaving so early. She kept her eyes on her ex lover, looking for any signs of him lying,

"Kara and Leo have to finish their homework and it's way past Levi's bedtime" Lied Stefan, picking up Levi who looked as lively as Kol, clearly he was not tired. Kara glared at her dad and took Levi into her own arm.




"... Right then, why don't I walk you guys out and you can give your father a hug" Klaus suggested to the quadruplets who all looked disgusted at the mere idea of doing so.

As it looked like Cora, Elliot, and Leonidas were about to bite his head off Cleo simply walked over to her dad and hugged him. Stefan immediately return the hug before Cleo started to talk "thanks but we can find our own way out"

And as the icing on the cake, Stefan pulled Cassiopeia into his arms and kissed her. With was a short one but it was sweet and full of love and it was hopefully enough to show Klaus that he had already lost his chance.

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